Chapter 19 - One Last Time

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"Oh that's great, Ry!" Will exclaimed, phone to his ear as he shot an apologetic look to Oliver sitting across from him and mouthing a "sorry". The blonde gave him a nod, signalling it was alright as he stirred in some sugar into his flat white. They were sat at a park kiosk while Max played with Stacey and her little girl, Jenny, in the adjacent playground. The two men had planned to spend a lot more time together in the extra days they had left but last minute plans had gotten in the way and that time had dwindled into almost nothing. 

Stacey, however, was adamant in helping them both have some final time together before they left the next day; Oliver driving back to Melbourne in the early morning and Will flying off in the evening. The two men were more than thankful when she suggested a playdate between the two kids so that they could discuss what to do heading forward. 

Oliver had spent the night before tossing and turning, questions flooding his mind about what to do next. Will had seemingly set his life up across the Pacific, thousands of kilometres away, and Oliver was asking him to drop everything and come home.  Come home to a life neither was sure was the right one, even if it felt like it. Oh god, did it feel right. But this was a whole different ball game now; it wasn't 2010 anymore. They had a decade of history, of learning, of understanding; of baggage; of all kinds of things that made it so much more different to when they were 17. Sure, most of it was positive, but it didn't make it any less complicated.

"Awesome, I'll see you, Dana and the little one when I'm back for Cash's wedding," Oliver heard Will say, wrapping up his call with Ryan. "Bye, Ry!"

"How's Ryan going?" the blonde asked as Will slipped his phone back into his pocket. 

Will took a sip of his tea and took a breath before replying, "Yeah, he's better now. A lot better. He decided to turn down that job up at the mines so he's just gonna stay home and look after the little one when they're born while he looks for a job. Sounds like Dana's pretty happy with that."

"Oh, when's their due date?"

"Next Friday, so I won't be here for it but I'll get to see them when I'm back," Will answered, a smile at the thought that two people he cared about where entering the next stage of their lives. It was nice. "Speaking of, I spoke to Cash and she's more than happy to add a place for you at the wedding."

"Oh that's so nice of them, they didn't need to do that,"  Oliver smiled in return, touched by being included so quickly. His history with the girls was rocky at best. Cash being so open and accommodating to have him come to a major life event like her wedding felt like an honour. 

"Like I said, more than happy to," Will repeated, his smile turning into a grin. He was lowkey astonished by how things were seemingly falling into place. "If you want to come, that is."

Oliver laughed, shaking his head. "Of course I want to come."

"Good." The grin was almost hurting his cheeks. "I can't believe I have to wait two months to see you again."

Oliver reached over the table and took hold of Will's hand. "We waited 10 years, I'm sure two months won't kill us." 

He took this moment and soaked as much as he could in. The spring sun filtered through the leaves above them. Will looked at him with that grin plastered over his face and eyes sparkling in glee. His forearm felt warm as it pressed against his mug of coffee. Kids screamed in the background as they had the time of their lives on the playground. All of it just warmed his heart.

"Are you ready for all of this? For us to be an us?" Will asked, deciding it was best that they got straight to business. There was a lot they had to work on and even if they couldn't get it all together in whatever time they had now, some was better than none.

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