Chapter 8 - 150% Idiot

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"When did this place become so..." Will began to say as he entered O'Flannigan's the following evening. He wasn't sure what he was going to say, surprised by how much more sophisticated the place was now. O'Flannigan's had always been the dive bar a few blocks down from his house in Eden Meadows, busted windows and flickering lights, loud drunks challenging each other to fights in the car park as hookers waited around to snag a few easy bucks. But now it seemed that, with the recent boom in the area, O'Flannigan's had cleaned up just as well as Eden Meadows had. 

"Yeah, what the hell?" Kimi agreed, understanding what Will hadn't yet said. "It doesn't smell like year-old piss in here anymore!"

"You almost sound disappointed," Emmie joked as she made a beeline for a booth, not wanting to stand around all night. The blonde was always the first one to complain about her feet hurting. "Now who wants cocktails?"

"I hate you all," Cash groaned as she shuffled her way into the booth, a tight squeeze with her pregnant belly. "You don't know how bad I want this baby to be out right now so I can have a White Russian."

"I'm all the White Russian you need, babe," Corey tried to joke with his fiancee, but it fell flat as Cash gave him a look that showed just how much she wanted to beat his ass at that moment. "I'll go get you your Diet Coke," he said in attempt to flee.

Kimi waited until Corey made his way to the bar before asking, "Corey's Russian?"

"Like, one-twelfth," Cash rolled her eyes. "Why he even counts it? I don't know."

"Better than that first guy I dated in LA who was half-Spanish, half-Irish, half-American," Will piped in as he casually read through the cocktail menu. "More like, 150% idiot."

"You always seem to attract the dumbasses, don't you?" A deep voice cut in.

Will perked up at the sound, clumsily falling out of the booth in his attempt to stand up and greet the new comer. "Oh my god, Ryan! How are you?!" he exclaimed as he pushed himself up off of the floor, glad that it wasn't the disease-riddled wasteland it once was.

Ryan beamed as he helped his ex up before pulling him in for a hug. "Amazingly well, you?"

"I'm fantastic!" Will replied, grinning wide before setting eyes on the lady standing to Ryan's left. "Nice to see you again, Dana."

The short brunette smiled politely at him, lifting her left hand and wiggling her ring finger. "It's Mrs. Romero now," she announced, enjoying the looking of glee on Will's face.

"Of course," Will stated, pulling the couple into a small group hug. "Thank you for the invite and I'm sorry I wasn't able to come, LA's pretty far. But congratulations for the both of you!"

The couple laughed before lightly pushing Will away, before telling him, "careful, you might hurt the baby," and enjoying the look of surprise sweep across Will's face.

"Ryan's gonna be a daddy!" Will cooed, ignoring Emmie's background comment that he'd already been Will's Daddy ten years prior. "How amazing! Babies are absolutely everywhere these days, holy hell. Cash is about to burst and now you two!" Will began to ramble before catching himself. "When's yours due?"

"About the same time as Cash's, actually," Dana replied, leaning over sideways a bit to wave at Cash, who smiled in return as she motioned them to join them in the booth.

"We're both in the same Lamaze class," Cash explained before she and Dana starting gossiping about some of the ladies in their class.

Ryan and Will just watched the two talk, shaking their heads before both deciding to head to the bar and order a round for the table. "It's crazy that it's been 10 years since we finished," Ryan sighed as they waiting for the bartender to get to them.

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