Chapter 11 - Wait For It

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"Could you all stop it, please?" Will asked as he and the girls stood around the food table. The girls had been scanning the room for a certain blonde for the hour or so they'd already been there, while Will tried to keep his nerves in check with a few cups of spiked punch. So far, they didn't seem to be helping his rapidly beating heart.

"Stop what?" Liv asked in faux-innocence, still on her tippy toes to look around, before adding, "we're just making sure that you two don't act stupid again and we have to repeat all this shit again in another ten years", without a single glance at the brunette.

Will gawked at her, slightly hurt by her brutal honesty. He wanted to protest, but he knew that she had a point. That didn't stop him though, telling her, "Who's to say that he even wants anything more than just being friends again?"

Liv ignored him, only telling Emmie, "Can you slap the idiot for me please?", followed by a nice whack on Will's upper arm from the blonde. 

Will scowled at them both as he rubbed his upper arm, decided to leave them to scout out for Oliver as he found someone else to talk to, only to bump into Corey and Ryan on their way out for a smoke. "Save me," he whimpered melodramatically as he followed them outside.

"The girls up to their usual tricks?" Ryan asked as he placed a cigarette between his lips. 

"Sadly so," Will nodded, turning up his nose a little at the smell of the cigarette smoke. "They're on the watch for Oliver for some reason."

Ryan just laughed in response, shaking his head as he remembered just what those girls used to get up to. "What's the bet they've got their bets going again?" he thought aloud, thinking of the stories drunk Will had told him over the years of the crazy things the girls used to do.

"Nah, definitely still going, mate," Corey chimed in with a chuckle before taking a drag of this cigarette.

"Oh no, what do you mean?" Will groaned, not happy to hear what Corey was about to tell him. He thought this was all a thing of the past, but apparently habits do die hard.

Corey chuckled again at Will's reaction, having a few more puffs before telling Will, "Heard Cash on the phone last night talking to Em, sounded like they were making a deal about you and this Oliver dude. Apparently, if you get with him this weekend, Emmie gets to choose our child's middle name."

Will groaned again, not wanting to know that that was the case, before pointing out, "You realise if Emmie wins, your child's going to be Jamie Wait-for-It Morgensten, right?" as he remembered a late night conversation he'd had with Emmie a few years earlier, after the blonde had finally gotten around to watching all of How I Met Your Mother. 

The grin on Corey's face dropped at Will's words, not finding that as entertaining as Emmie would, begging Will, "please don't get with him this weekend, please Will! My child's name can't be Jamie Wait-for-It Morgensten! How am I gonna explain that to my parents?"

"Don't worry," Will reassured, smiling now that the tables had turned. "Wait-for-It is a lovely middle name."

It was Corey's turn to scowl as he continued to smoke his cigarette without another word to the other two, no longer amused with his girlfriend's betting over her friends' love lives as he grumbled under his breath.

"So, what's your plan with Oliver then?" Ryan asked, moving the subject back to the original point.

"Are you jealous there, Ry?" Will teased.

Ryan shrugged, not really committing to an answer either way, only asking Will, "Do you want to get back together with him?"

"Why are you all so obsessed with my love life, oh my god," he replied in exasperation, starting to get a bit sick of the pressure he was feeling about him and Oliver.

"You're deflecting," Ryan stated simply, not impressed with his response. "yes or no?"

Will just nodded, not sure if he could voice that out loud to Ryan, but his ex didn't mind, grinning like mad as he finished the last bit of his cigarette. He was about to say something as he stubbed the butt on the wall beside him, but was interrupted by Cash waddling her way through the door.

"Hey babe, is it true that you're gonna let Emmie choose our child's middle name?" Corey asked when he saw her, though Will felt like cutting in to say that a pregnant woman shouldn't have been in the smoking area. 

"Yeah, only if Will gets together with Oliver this weekend," Cash confirmed with a nod, not even caring that Will was right there to hear her. They usually kept the bets quiet, but apparently not this time. 

Corey groaned, not amused by the fact that his first child's middle name was on the line, choosing to point out to his fiancee, "She's gonna pick Wait-for-It, isn't she?"

"Only if Will and Oliver get together," Cash replied simply, before a slight pained look crossed her face and her breathing got a bit heavier, telling Corey, "but that's not really the problem we should be focusing on right now."

The man rushed to his pregnant partner, worry evident in his features as he put his hand on her shoulder, asking, "What's wrong, what's happening?"

"I, uh, think I'm going into labour," she explained as she took her partner's hand in her and squeezed tightly. "I thought it was the Braxton Hicks again, but this feels different, I-I think the baby's coming."

As she mentioned this, the three men went into alert mode, rushing to see what they needed to do. Corey began to walk his fiancee to the car, making sure that Cash wasn't in too much pain to be able to walk and hold out long enough for them to reach the hospital, while Will and Ryan rushed inside, finding the rest of the girls to tell them what was happening, equal parts excited and shook.

The girls all reacted much the same way, searching around quickly for their coats and bags before making a quick beeline for the car park, excitedly squealing at the fact that they were all going to be aunties. They wanted to be hot on Cash and Corey's tail to the hospital, not even caring that they might be waiting there for hours.

It was only as the group rushed out of the gym doors towards the cars that Will saw Oliver, in as much of a rush to get inside as they were to get out. Not wanting to miss his opportunity, Will called out the blonde's name, waving him over as they continued on their way to the car park.

"What's happening?" Oliver asked worriedly once he caught up to the brunette, looking as confused as ever.

"Cash is having her baby so we're all going to the hospital," Will explained before he began to apologise. "Sorry that I can't stay and talk properly with you," he said, looking sad and disappointed, as he felt like he was letting the blonde down.

"I'm coming with you, Will," Oliver scoffed as if it were obvious. "I don't want to see anyone else besides you."

"Really?" Will asked, even if the answer should've been clear.

"Yes," was Oliver's simple response before he suggested to him, "Now c'mon, I'll take you and we can meet the others there."

Will, too shocked to really do anything else, just nodded before shouting to Liv, who had already rushed ahead, that he'd meet them all at the hospital before his hand found its way into Oliver's and he was being led to a simple white rental car.

As Will was being pulled along, walking as fast as he legs could take him, all he could think was:

You don't ever really know where life is going to take you, do you?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A/N: Cash may or may not be having her baby! Let's see how Will and Oliver go before that baby pops out and we might be having a little Jaime Wait-for-It Morgensten on our hands! A proper conversation, entirely just Will and Oliver, is next chapter so keep an eye out for that! Hope you enjoyed the chapter xx

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