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"Is that the invite?" Oliver asked Will as he walked through their front door, picking up the red and gold envelope that was on the table in their entranceway and walking into the kitchen. It was odd to see physical mail in this day and age with mostly everything moving towards digital in an attempt to be as green as possible, but it seemed the sender was very particular with what they were aiming for: an air of nostalgia. 

Apt for the invite to their 20 year reunion after all. 

"Yeah, it came in the letterbox this morning," Will replied as he stood by the stove, stirring his bechamel for tonight's lasagne. "Are we gonna go?"

"Yeah, why not?" Oliver asked as he came to give Will a kiss on the cheek. 

Will shrugged, unsure what the point of going was. It wasn't like he was particularly excited to see anyone he wasn't already still in contact with. Kimi had move back to Adelaide with her partner a year or so earlier to raise their family. Cash was wrangling a brood of her own, still happily married to Corey. Emmie was still too independent to let a man tie her down - except for her charming little boy who had her wrapped around his little finger. Liv was there to help Em with little Ryder, much more satisfied with having a career than a family - much to her traditional Italian mother's chagrin.   Ryan, Stacey - hell, even Shayla - popped in and out of Will and Oliver's home from time to time. There wasn't really anyone else he needed to catch up with again. 

There wasn't another romance to rekindle after a decade apart either, much to Will's relief. The last 10 years with Oliver had been a dream, regardless of the undeniable ups and downs they'd gone through together. Much like the home decor of the basic mums of the 2010s: they'd lived, they'd laughed, they'd loved. It hadn't always been easy but Will had Oliver and Oliver had him. 

That's all Will needed. 

Just as the two men were about to discuss whether or not they were going to go to the reunion, they were interrupted by the hurricane that was teenage Max. The flurry of fury stormed in with a bang of the front door.

"What's up Maxibon?" Oliver asked as the teen stomped into the kitchen with a scowl on his face. It was hard to tell what sort of distress Max was facing, his expression a mix of anger, sadness, annoyance and defeat. "Wanna tell us what's up?"

"No," he grunted as he ripped the fridge door open and yanked the iced coffee out to chug straight from the carton. Will was about to chastise him for doing so, something he'd been told not to do too many times in the last two years, but now was evidently not the time. 

The iced coffee seemed to change his tune though as his answer switched from a 'no' to a 'ok fine, yeah'. 

"It's like this...thing with one of my friends that I'm really close to," he began to explain, obviously talking about Zavi, his best friend pretty much since Max moved into town 10 years earlier. "And he-they're like acting all weird with me now and I don't know what hi-their issue is. Like, I legit haven't done anything. And if I have done something, he doesn't say. I confronted hi-them today and it was like this huge fight but they wouldn't tell me what's up like. Just be honest with me, but they wouldn't. I feel really bad for like, yelling at them and stuff but I didn't know what else to do, y'know? I just- it feels like I keep making mistakes with him about it and keep messing it up and I'm worried if I keep doing things wrong then it's just all over and we can't be close anymore. Like, why can't I make the right decision in this? What do I do?"

Will and Oliver looked at each other, surprised by what their son had unloaded on them. They'd always been an open family and encouraged Max to share his thoughts and feelings, but an info dump like this was very rare. Max was a kid to keep his true thoughts and feelings close to his chest, deciding to give snippets when he thought it best. 

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