Chapter 12 - Lanie

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"I can't believe Cash is actually having her baby," Will sighed as he sat down opposite Oliver, a lukewarm cup of coffee in hand and a limp ham and cheese sandwich from the hospital kiosk on the table. "I can't believe we're actually in that stage of our lives."

"That would probably be more a shock if I didn't already have a five year-old," Oliver pointed out with a tiny laugh, remembering the day his son was born as if it were yesterday.

"Oh yeah, that's right," Will replied with a soft chuckle, feeling a little spaced out by all that had happened. 

It had been a rush to the hospital from their high school, everyone arriving soon after one another as they legged it inside before Cash and Corey were carted off to the Maternity ward. They'd all waiting around for a while, almost an hour before Corey reappeared to tell them that Cash was definitely in labour and that the baby was coming. The happiness they had all felt from the news quickly dwindled into boredom as Cash's time in labour grew longer and longer, prompting Will and Oliver to leave and get something to eat. 

"Tell me more about Max," Will asked the blonde now that the subject had been brought up. He'd been curious since he found out about the existence of Oliver's son and wanted to know more about him. "What's he like?"

Oliver cleared his throat a little, thrown off by the sudden question, though he shouldn't have been surprised, he had brought him up. "He's, uh, he's good. He's a good boy. Very bright, very smart, like his mother. He's so inquisitive, it's crazy, like, he'll always asks questions and wants to learn new things, y'know. I'm pretty sure his favourite word is 'why'," the blonde began to say, his eyes lighting up as he talked about his son. 

"And he's obsessed with dinosaurs, like, so obsessed, though I think most boys go through that stage," Oliver laughed. "And he'll play with his dinosaur figurines and make up stories and adventures for them, and draw triceratopses and stegosauruses all the time 'cause they're his favourites," he continued to say, shaking his head at how obsessed his son truly was with the giant reptiles. "It really is so beautiful to watch your children grow up, y'know like, they're these tiny little things that just appear in your world and they just take over it and become your everything and they don't even know it. They just live their little lives, playing with their toys and drawing dinosaurs, and they don't see the magic that they have. It's- it's incredible."

"It definitely sounds like it," Will replied as he felt his his stomach begin to flutter and heart begin to ache as he saw just how much love and care Oliver had for his son. "I'm so glad you have someone special like Max."

"Yeah, so do I," Oliver smiled as he stirred his cup of now cold hot chocolate. "Max and I are so close, y'know, and I honestly can't tell you how much that means to me to have someone like him to love and look after, like..." he said before his voice grew thick with emotion, a gravelly tone settling in as he felt his emotions well up. "I-- um, every now and then, when I spend time with Max, I think about me and my dad, y'know. I, uh, I think about how me and him were never really that close, he was never home, he never really wanted to play with me or Xavier when he was home... we were always really different people. He's always been one way, and I've always been the other.

"And I think about how he's never met Max, don't even know if he knows that Max even exists, and I wonder what he'd think and what he'd be like if he was still in my life or in Max's. But I won't ever really know, I guess," the blonde explained with a shrug. "I haven't seen him in about 7 years, about the time my parents got divorced. It was pretty rocky between us ever since that dinner, and he still didn't accept the fact that we'd dated, cursed me out and stuff even when I started dating other people, girls, he told me it was just a matter of time before I disappointed him again. When mum gave him the divorce papers, he just signed it, told us he was glad to finally get rid of us all, gave us a bunch of money and told us he was washing his hands of us, of any responsibility he had, and never talk to him again. So we haven't.

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