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A/N: Welcome to the third part of Will Evan's adventures. I recommend that you read New and Change before reading this because it's the follow-on from that storyline, so it won't make much sense to you otherwise! Anyways, I hope you enjoy! :)

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"Are you sure?" Dale asked for about the fiftieth time that morning, eyes searching Will's for any sign of doubt or hesitation.

But Will just scoffed and rolled his eyes for the fiftieth time in response, annoyed but yet amused by Dale's mother hen antics. "Honestly Dale, I wouldn't have agreed if I wasn't sure. I want to do this."

"But this is a big step for you, Will, for both of us," Dale reasoned, trying to get the younger man to see just how serious, just how big this decision was. Something big and scary was looking Will right in the face and the teen wasn't even fazed. He wasn't as trepidatious about this as the redhead was about this.

How had the teen talked him into this, into taking this big step together into the unknown, to a place neither had been before. For once in Dale's life, he was nervous. It was one of the many feelings he hadn't felt until now, and he didn't like it. Didn't like it at all.

"It's going to be fine, Dale, ok?" Will reassured the older man. "We'll do this together, alright? We're in this together."

Dale nodded slowly, trying to feel reassured by his words. It worked, somewhat, as Will helped him to breath again. "Yeah, yeah, I'm just overreacting," he said, giving Will a smile.

Will smiled back, nudging Dale's shoulder with his as they sat side by side, looking to each other for reassurance. Reassurance that they'd made the right decision, that this is what they want they want to do.

And both of them knew that it was.

"Qantas Flight QF93 to Los Angeles is now boarding at Gate 23," the smooth voice of a flight attendant announced over the PA system above, breaking the silence that had formed between the two men, before repeating, "Qantas Flight QF93 to Los Angeles is now boarding at Gate 23."

Will's smile turned into a grin as he heard the announcement. "Ready to go?" he asked, feeling giddy with excitement as the time for them to leave drew closer.

Dale grinned back at him, any doubt and nerves he had about going had now evaporated from his body. He was ready for his turn to turn over a new leaf. "Let's go, buddy boy!" he exclaimed, jumping up and racing off towards the gate before turning around to yell to his friend, "first one there gets the other's dessert!"

"Not fair, you cheated!" Will shouted back with a giant grin, happy that he was going on this adventure with a friend like Dale, even if he did cheat sometimes.

Will began to race after the redhead, but stopped when he heard someone calling him from behind. A desperate plea of his name that made him stop and turn to the approaching boy.

"What are you doing here?" Will asked, his heart clenching with the sadness and pain he was running away from.

"Don't leave," the teen said, almost begged, as he came face-to-face with Will. "You can't just leave. Don't leave me," he continued to say, almost desperately.

Will hesitated. Hesitated for the first time since he agreed to go with Dale. Hesitated because the boy he was so desperately in love with was begging him to stay. Will wanted this so badly, his heart yearning for the other so badly that it was hurting his chest.

Will knew that it was best if he left, if he got onto that plane with Dale and flew to Los Angeles, but he'd stay if the boy in front of him gave him a reason to.

Please give me a reason to stay...

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A/N: Hope you liked it, tell me what you think, where you think it's going, who you think the boy is who stopped Will at the airport, what you think of Dale and Will heading off to LA together - I'd be happy to hear it!


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