Chapter 10 - Pourquoi Pas?

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"I'm so confused," Will groaned, his face smushed into Liv and Emmie's breakfast table as he finished recounting his conversation with Oliver from the previous night. He hadn't prepared himself for the possibility that the blonde would be there, idiotically taking Cash's word that he was far far away. If there was anything that Will should've learnt by now was that life constantly gave him curveballs, just to keep his life more and more difficult.

Kimi just watched her friend as she giggled into her cup of coffee, amused by the fact that nothing had changed in the last ten years. "Are we still 17?" she asked Emmie, who was enjoying it as much as she was. 

"If it weren't for the grey pube I found last week, I'd have to agree with you," Emmie replied, taking a bite out of her French toast.

"That's something I didn't need to know," Will informed the two, his voice muffled by the fact that his face was still pressed to the tabletop, before heaving a big sigh as he raised his head to look at his friends. "You're not helping me, like, at all, by the way."

"I thought it was just going to be a casual dinner between two old friends, completely platonic, right?" Kimi asked innocently, with a wicked smile to show that they all knew otherwise. Will wouldn't have been freaking out over it if were as simple as that, and as much as she knew that she should be the supportive friend, Kimi wanted to have a bit of fun. "What do you need help with?"

"You're such a bitch," Will grumbled to himself, deciding to childishly mimic what Kimi had just said as he filled his bowl with cereal and munch on his breakfast with a scowl on his face.

Emmie sighed, realising that she actually had to be the grown-up for a second and intervene, lest the two continued to bicker like pre-schoolers. "Let's be real here, Will," she said, deciding to just get to the point. "Do you want it to be more than platonic between you and Oliver?"

"That's the whole point, Em, I don't know! That's why I'm confused," Will whined, even stomping his feet a little underneath the table. "When I saw him last night, it felt like when we were still together and it was nice, y'know, and I'd love it if it could still be that way but that's not realistic is it? Definitely not when we're both at different stages in our lives, like, Oliver has a kid and an ex-wife and is settling down, and where am I in my life? I'm living thousands of miles away, a cat and a job are the only responsibilities I really have, and I haven't had a serious relationship since, well... y'know," he rambled, venting his frustrations that he'd spent all night thinking about. He had every reason right now not the go on with this, the logical answer staring at him right in the face, but a part of him, deep inside, said fuck logic and just go with it. 

As a girl in his high school French class would say: pourquoi pas! Why the fuck not?

But he wasn't a reckless teen anymore, or not much of one at least, and he had to take this seriously, especially with so much on the line for the two of them. 

Or maybe he was jumping the gun here, putting words into Oliver's mouth and overthinking what the blonde had meant. Maybe he didn't mean for it to be more? Maybe he did just want to have a dinner to catch up with an old friend? Maybe it was completely platonic? 

And honestly, not having definitive answers to those questions was driving Will crazy.

He was ready to ramble more on the blonde, see what his friends had to say about his situation, but they were interrupted as a bleary-eyed Liv entered the kitchen, wrapped in a blanket as she shuffled her way in. "Oliver's out front, Will, he wants to chat," she announced as she poured herself a cup of coffee, before adding, "The ass woke me up, so tell him that I'll cut his dick off with a rusty knife when I'm more alive."

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