Chapter 5 - Goodbye

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"Let's go, buddy boy!" Dale exclaimed, his eyes twinkling in newfound excited as he jumped up and raced off towards the gate that had just been announced, before turning around to yell to his friend, "first one there gets the other's dessert!"

"Not fair, you cheated!" Will shouted back with a giant grin on his face, happy that he was going on this adventure with a friend like Dale, even if he did cheat sometimes. 

He'd said to Dale not too long ago, standing in his store, that he couldn't go. He'd made a plethora of excuses as to why: the girls, his mother, starting a new slate would blow up in his face just like the last time, even Oliver - though he kept that one to himself. But even then, he'd felt like they were flimsy reasons that he was using as an excuse to hold himself back.

The last couple weeks since then, however, showed Will that this was something that he needed, that starting over with a new slate doesn't mean that history will repeat itself again, that this was his chance to have a happier life.

It was a big decision, for sure, but Will was going to use what he'd learnt over the last year and once again, start anew. 

And this time, he was going to do it right.

Will began to race after the redhead, trying to catchup after the unfair head start that the other had taken. He ran past the overpriced storefronts, past the lost families looking for their gates, past the tired business men trying to find their will to live in the bottom of their to-go coffees.

Past the tall blonde boy who was calling out his name.

It almost felt like a delusion, like some part of his stubborn heart had wormed its way into his head to mess with him, showing him what he wanted to see. So he quickly brushed it off as a coincidence, continued it chase after Dale and the big adventure that was ahead the both of them, not slowing down for anything.

That was until the voice kept on going, calling out his name as if it were following him. 

And they were indeed following him, as Will chanced a glance behind him and spotted a head of blonde hair racing towards him as the desperate pleas for him to stop continued.

So he stopped, dead in his tracks as he realised that his delusion was actually his reality, it all coming towards him like a speeding train as he boy kept approaching. 

"What are you doing here?" Will asked. He was almost dumbstruck, blindsided that Oliver was actually here, standing in front of him, panting with a desperate look in his eye. Will's heart clenching with the sadness and pain as the reason he was running away was right there.

How was this real?

"Don't leave," the blonde said, almost begged, as he stood face-to-face with Will. "You can't just leave. Don't leave me," he continued to say, almost desperately.

Will hesitated. Hesitated for the first time since he agreed to go with Dale. Hesitated because the boy he was so desperately in love with was begging him to stay. Will wanted this so badly, his heart yearning for the other so badly that it was hurting his chest.

Will knew that it was best if he left, if he got onto that plane with Dale and flew to Los Angeles, but he'd stay if the boy in front of him gave him a reason to. His heart begged for Oliver to give him any reason to. 

But Will squashed that down, pushing it deep into the recesses of his mind and locking it away as it fought kicking and screaming. He knew that feeding into those feelings would be a mistake, and he was trying his hardest not to make any more of those.

"What happen to us being over?" Will asked. "Why are you here begging me not to leave if you told me that we're over?"

Oliver hesitated as Will saw the question whiz around in the blonde's mind before he finally spoke, "Yeah, I-uh, I know what I said, and to be honest with you, Will, at that time, I'd meant it. I felt like that was it between us and we just needed to split up and move on, and..."

"So why are you here then?" Will interrupted, trying to get to the point.

"...and I just can't deal with the fact that this is it, Will, I just can't," Oliver continued on as if he weren't interrupted. "Telling you that we were over was the worst decision of my life," he added, knowing how stupid he was being by flip-flopping around on how he felt. 

Will stood silent, letting the words, and their implications, wash over him.

He had no idea what he was going to do, what he was going to say. Because the truth of the matter was that he was torn. Torn between his heart and his head. Torn between what he wanted and what he knew was right.  And it was a decision that he didn't want to make.

That was until the reality of the situation was bulleting towards them in a mess of red hair.

"C'mon, Will, hurry it up! They've started boarding now and we either need to get on it real soon or they'll leave without us!" Dale exclaimed as he approached his friend, not realising the situation at hand until he made eye contact with the blonde and asking, "What's Oliver doing here? What's going on?"

Will just sighed, breaking the staring contest he'd been having with his ex to look at his friend. It was as if clarity has returned to his muddled mind once he stopped focusing on what his heart wanted. He now saw that to make things right, like he so desperately wanted to do, he had to do what needed to be done, rather than what he wanted to do. 

Doing what he wanted to do and not what was right was what had led him to where he was now.

So, with that, Will took a hold of the redhead's arm, turning them around and heading to the gate as he said, "nothing, let's just go."

But Oliver kept on pushing as he followed them, continuing to plead with Will to stay. "Don't leave, Will, please!" he begged. "We can work on this together!"

Will stopped and whipped around to face the blonde. "We don't trust each other anymore, Oliver, and those were your exact words," he said softly as he approached Oliver, placing his hands on the blonde's shoulder as they held each other's gaze. "We don't have anything to work on together because we both know that this is over. We can't fix anything if we can't trust one another, so we both just have to try and move on. Please let me move on, Oliver, please let me go."

Both boys kept looking at one another, their eyes tearing up while the two were on the verge of bawling their eyes out. 

"I know, it's just so...s-so hard to, Will," Oliver muttered, his voice trembling as a tear betrayed his strength and fell down his cheek. "I don't want to let you go."

"I don't either," Will echoed, not wanting to lie. "But we both need to do this. We can't keep playing around anymore, we've hurt enough people. I've hurt enough people." Oliver was about to protest, but Will just shushed him, pulling him closer to fully embrace the blonde. 

The two were silent for a little while longer, relishing the last time both thought they had together before they had to separate for good, and only doing so as the final boarding call for Will and Dale's flight was announced.

"I hope you find what you're looking for in LA, Will," Oliver whispered as he squeezed a tiny bit harder.

"I hope you find someone who will love you without the drama," Will whispered in return, giving the blonde one final squeeze before pulling away. "Goodbye, Oliver."

"See you later, Will," the blonde said in return with a small smile, before turning around and disappearing into busy airport that was rushing around them. 

Will sighed, feeling emotionally drained by what had just happened. It was truly over. And now, a new chapter of his life was beginning. 

He turned to his friend and smiled. 

"Last one there loses their dessert!"

And the two raced off in laughter and cheers, despite however they were feeling, making it just in time for their flight and the new adventures to come. And with that in mind, all Will could think was:

I've made the right decision...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A/N: Despite the title of the chapter and how this chapter ended, Right hasn't finished just yet! Far from it actually! There's still lots more to come and I'm really excited for it :) 

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