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Hi darling,

I hope you’re well and that everything is going ok. You sounded like you were having a lot of fun in your letter so that was lovely. It’s quite odd not having you here; dear old Yola was asking me about how you were as she did the dishes last night; she was delighted when I gave her your letter to read once we’d read it – kept saying that we were the best family she could ever have hoped to belong to although sometimes, having seen the state of your father’s things, I would have to doubt that, especially when she's the one who tidies up after him!

We are all set to pick you up from Platform Nine and Three-Quarters when you come home for Christmas – I can’t believe that you’ve already had a term there! Good luck in your Astronomy test, I’m sure you’ll do fantastically. I’ve enclosed a little present, something to sweeten you up for Christmas and Yola sends you her love (along with some of her gorgeous fudge!)

Dad says not to get into too much trouble – crazy man that one! Oh he sends you his love too and says that he can’t wait to have his little girl home again and spoil her silly!

I should go now, just got a message from Moody to say he’s had an alert somewhere so I’ll just send this quickly before I go.

See you soon,



“Oh what’s that?” asked Lily as she drowned her toast in butter.

“Letter from my mum, some Mistletoe Mints and some fudge from Yola.”


“Our house elf. Well… yeah she’s our house elf. She’s so sweet.”

“Don’t you find it annoying when she punishes herself?” asked Alice over her Daily Prophet.

“Nah she’s really loyal to us, she loves helping us; my parents have always treated her really well, they’re really strong supporters of elf-rights and equality for everyone. It’s fair though, isn’t it? ‘Cause they do so much and they’re so useful. My parents are really against treating them like slaves. Plus she’s like a part of our family anyway... Anyway she makes the best fudge ever and she sent me some, does anyone want a bit?””

“Maybe later,” said Mary, “I’m a bit full at the moment.”

“Oh yeah, of course, we’re at breakfast. How stupid of me! Guess I’ll just save it for this evening then.”


They piled into the common room, soaking wet and numb after their snowball fight on the way back from Herbology. “Remind me never to be on the same team as Lily in a snowball fight again!” gasped Cassie as she warmed up by the fire. “I’m pretty sure that she hit me more times than she hit you!”

“What about when she hit herself!” laughed Mary.

“I didn’t even know that was possible!”

“Alright alright; I’m rubbish at snowball fights,” grumbled Lily as she stripped off the first of her many layers.

“You’re not just rubbish, you’re completely-”

“And utterly-”

“One hundred and fifty percent-”

“Dreadful!” Cassie laughed as she pulled off her boots.

“That was just the best way to spend the last night of term,” said Alice as they climbed the stairs to their dormitory.

“Oh Merlin I completely forgot about that!” cried Cassie. “Here, I’ve got presents for you somewhere in here; remind me to give them to you tomorrow on the train.”

“Can’t believe she hit herself,” muttered Alice.

“The spell casting idea was a genius one though,” said Mary.

“Yeah but it would have worked a bit better if the snowballs she had bewitched to hit people, actually hit the people they were supposed to!” said Cassie as she collapsed on her bed.

“I hope you’re all enjoying yourselves at my expense!”

“We love you Lily!” they all said in sing song voices as they jumped on her.

“I hate you all,” she said from underneath the pile of bodies.


The next day saw them all packed and ready to leave, their trunks piled high with books and clothes.

Lily, Cassie, Mary and Alice claimed a carriage to themselves, lounging on the seats and enjoying themselves. As the train pulled away from Hogsmeade station Cassie snatched her last glimpse of Hogwarts from behind the trees. “I can’t believe that we’ve already finished a term!”

They all murmured in agreement and slipped into easy conversation. The snow had disappeared and the mountains were replaced by gently rolling hills when Cassie jumped up.

“What is it?” asked Lily. “I was comfortable with my head on your lap.”

“Would you rather have that or Christmas presents?” she said as she rooted around in the top of her trunk before digging out various parcels.

They had just finished exchanging, but not opening, presents when the trolley came round. Cassie emptied out all of her change and bought a number of Chocolate Frogs whereas Mary, Alice and Lily all bought some sweets, things such as Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans and Liquorice Wands.

“Ugh,” said Cassie, her nose wrinkled in disgust. “How on earth can you eat liquorice? It’s the most disgusting thing on the planet!”

“Are you crazy, it’s amazing!” said Mary. “I could live off liquorice.”

“I think I’m going to throw up. Just the smell of it is enough to make me feel sick,” said Cassie before pretending to retch.

By the time they reached Platform Nine and Three-Quarters they had eaten most of the contents of the trolley and were all stuffed; dragging their trunks off they wished each other goodbye.

“Have fun Mary! Merry Christmas Alice!” they called as they went to meet their parents.

“Mummy! Daddy!” Cassie cried as they hugged her.

“Oh Cassie honey! It’s so nice to see you again!”

“Merry Christmas Lily!” she said.

“Ah no wait!” she called before launching herself at Cassie and hugging her. “Have a great holiday!”

“You too! See you next term!” she called as she chased her parents through the station.

“How was it Cassie? Was it good?”

“It was so good!” she said, regaling them with stories of her term at Hogwarts the entire journey home.


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