Third Year

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“Black, Regulus,” said McGonagall as a number of people began to whisper between themselves. “Sirius Black’s brother?” they asked each other curiously.

James nudged Sirius as a small boy, as casually elegant as Sirius but with a sneer that marred his handsome face twisting his lips, was called out to be Sorted.

“Any chance he’ll be in Gryffindor?” asked Peter as the Deputy Headmistress carried the Sorting Hat over to him.

Sirius snorted loudly. “I highly doubt it! He’s far too close to my dear parents to be a Gryffindor!”

“SLYTHERIN!” called the Hat almost before it touched his head and Regulus moved over to the Slytherin table with a triumphant smile, giving Sirius a smug smirk as his eyes found his brother’s.


Cassie stared into space as she daydreamed through Professor Binns’ lecture on tensions between trolls and giants in the early nineteenth century. Suddenly she blinked and realised that she had been staring at the back of Sirius Black’s head while he laughed with Potter. Unfortunately for her however hard she might try to get the thought of Black out of her head now, he seemed to just waltz back in again with his trademark smirk and enigmatic grey eyes. “Ugh he’s so frustrating!” she moaned to herself as she tried to stop imagining how it would feel to be friends with him. Perhaps if she’d stayed friends with him after their trip on the Hogwarts Express… No, she had to stop thinking about him; nothing good would ever come from being friends with them.


“Why did I ever choose Ancient Runes?” moaned Cassie as she stared down at the passage she was supposed to be translating.

“Is it difficult?” asked Alice.

“It’s not necessarily hard but it takes ages and some runes look really similar so they’re easy to confuse with others,” said Cassie. “Plus you have to learn what each rune means, that’s the hardest part I think.”

“Sounds like a lot of work. Does anyone know the detailed method of hatching a basilisk?” asked Mary.

“Care of Magical Creatures essay? I did mine on vampires, they’re much easier.”

“Wish I’d thought of that but I’ve done six inches now and I can’t be bothered to rewrite it.”

“Have you worked out the number charts for Arithmancy?” Lily asked.

“Yeah and I’ve started the essay on Arithmancy in History but I’m going to spread it out over a week or so.”

“I’m so glad I do Divination,” said Alice. “Our homework is just to see whether any of our predictions come true.”

Cassie threw her textbook at her. “Shut up! Just because your subjects are easy doesn’t mean you have to rub it in!”

“How do you even understand any of this?” she asked curiously as she rifled through it.

“You’re taught it,” said Lily wryly.

“Could I, er, have it back? I’m actually not finished with it yet…”


James, Sirius, Lupin and Pettigrew were sitting round the fire in the common room; Sirius had just started a game of wizard’s chess with James and the pieces were shouting instructions out to the players as Pettigrew watched them enthusiastically, clapping every time one of them took another’s piece.

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