The Seventh Year of Hogwarts

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************************Seventh Year***************************

"I can't believe that you're starting your last year at Hogwarts!" cried Jasmine as she hugged Cassie tightly on the platform. "I remember when you were just starting, you were so small!" she continued, holding her hand out at about knee height to demonstrate her point. "You were barely the size of our Pensieve! And now look at you! Legal last year, taking your N.E.W.T.s this year, a boyfriend! When are we going to meet him by the way?" she asked as she peered around the platform, making Cassie laugh. "He'd better live up to my expectations!"

"What expectations?"

"Well judging by the number of owls you sent each other over the summer-"

"He's not here Mum!" Cassie interrupted hastily. "Relax, I promise that as soon as I see him I'll introduce him to you!"

"I've put your trunk on the train," said Archie as he hugged Cassie. "I hope you have an amazing year," he said with a smile. "Don't let your N.E.W.T.s worry you, I'm sure you'll do brilliantly in them; you did in your O.W.L.s."

"Where is he then?" repeated Jasmine as she looked around the platform while her husband rolled his eyes.

"Is she looking for your boyfriend?" he asked.


"That woman is so nosy! Such high maintenance! She's worse than my wizard's chess set and they give me wrong directions when they're not clean!"

"I told you not to buy that set!" said Jasmine. "Didn't I say that it was too expensive and they'd all be snobs?"

"But they play so well when they're happy," he moaned as the whistle blew. "You'd better go Cass or you'll miss the train," said Archie as he pushed her onto the train after a final hug. "Don't worry about your mother, she'll still be here when you come home," he said with a laugh.

"Have a wonderful time," Jasmine called. "Oh! I still haven't met him! Cassie!" she called as Archie steered her away from the window. They waved happily as the train pulled away before the steam obscured them from view.

"Cassie!" shouted Lily as she launched herself at Cassie, wrapping her arms around her in an enormous hug. "You'll never guess what Cassie!"


"I'm Head Girl! Head Girl! Can you believe it? Me!"

"Head Girl? That's brilliant Lily!" squealed Cassie as they jumped up and down. "Oh I knew it would have to be you!" she said happily as she felt another hand on her shoulder. Turning round she saw Sirius and grinned at him as he kissed her.

"I missed you," he murmured as he embraced her.

"Me too," she said, burying her face in his chest. "My mum was so annoyed that she didn't get to meet you," Cassie said with a laugh. "You'll have to come to mine at Christmas or she'll cry or something."

"I could do that," he said with a charming smile as they entered a spare carriage.


The pale boy sat stared in through the glass door of the carriage at the couple inside, the carelessly handsome boy's eyes gleaming as he whispered something in his girlfriend's ear. Just like every other time he had seen them fear bubbled up into his chest, consuming him with terror and anger. If Lily's best friend, another girl known for her outright dislike of Potter and his gang, could find enough to like about Sirius Black to go out with him then there was a terrifying possibility that Lily could end up with Potter himself, and Snape refused to let that happen.

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