The Order of the Phoenix

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“Hi Cassie,” said James as he strolled into the sitting room, “is Lily around?”

“Yeah she’s just getting dressed, she was out late yesterday.”

“So typically Lily to decide to pick one of the hardest jobs you could do. Honestly, who even wants to be a Healer anyway?” he said as a loud crack snapped through the room. “Padfoot!” cried James as Sirius straightened his shirt, greeting James before kissing Cassie.

“Sirius! You can’t just Apparate into our flat! That completely defeats the purpose of security! What if you were a Death Eater?”

“Relax Cassie,” he said casually as Lily came out of her room.

“Oh hello!” she said surprised. “Sorry I didn’t realise you were all coming over or I would have got up earlier.

“Nah it’s fine, it was just a spur of the moment thing,” said James casually, pulling Lily into his lap.

The four of them spent the rest of the day together, laughing and smiling as the terrors of the outside world were forgotten. At the beginning of the evening Moony appeared too, smiling despite looking thinner and shabbier than ever before.

“Moony!” they greeted him with a grin, piling food on his plate in an attempt to fatten him up.


“I’m so tired!” complained Cassie as she collapsed onto the sofa. “I can barely move! Auror training was absolute torture! Why didn’t you stop me from choosing it Lily?”

“What were you doing?” asked Lily as she flicked her wand at the fireplace, making a roaring fire spring into life.

“We spent all morning running around and hiding while duelling, each person outnumbered by about five people, then in the afternoon we had a surprise concealment test; you had to sneak up on one of the Aurors and if they saw you then you’d have to duel with them and win. It was pretty much impossible!”

“But that’s the point isn’t it?” said Lily. “Because fighting Dark wizards isn’t easy, and it won’t ever be easy.”

“I know but sometimes I wish that it was just a bit less exhausting!” moaned Cassie. “Even Voldemort must need to sleep at some point!” she said, making Lily laugh.


“Run!” cried Cassie, hiding behind a tree as the Death Eaters marched through the wood, red sparks flying in all directions from their wands.

“Scared Jones?” asked James as he materialised beside her. “The danger’s what makes it fun. Come on, I’ll go left, you go right. Three, two, one!” Both of them ran out of the cover of the trees, shooting Stunning spells and hexes at the Death Eaters and dodging the Killing Curses sent their way in return. Cassie ran past Marlene McKinnon battling three Death Eaters at once, Hagrid standing behind her and fighting another with his umbrella. “Help!” Marlene cried, and James shot a Stunning spell at one of them, knocking him unconscious as they ran through the forest.

“Cassie! Cassie I was so worried about you!” shouted Lily as she ran out of the shadows towards them, pausing to Disarm an opponent behind them. “We need to get out!”

“We can’t leave Lily!” argued James.

“James, us dying is not going to help anyone. I saw Moody and he told me to tell people to Disapparate. He wants us to meet at Headquarters tomorrow. Wormy and Padfoot have already gone.”

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