O.W.L.s Approach

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Cassie was sitting in the common room doing yet more work when Lily came in. “Oh there you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” she exclaimed as Cassie looked up.

“Where were you?” she asked as she waited for the ink on her Transfiguration essay to dry.

“Library. I thought I’d start my revision early.”

Cassie laughed. “Lily we have a week until the Easter holidays and then about another month after that! By the time you get to the exams you will have forgotten everything you revised now!”

“Our O.W.L.s are in seven weeks Cassie! Seven weeks to revise everything! Think how many Potion recipes we need to memorise and all the spells, incantations, charms and definitions we need to know. Seven weeks is barely any time at all,” she said seriously as Cassie’s eyes widened. “Are you going to do revision over the holidays?”

“I will if I ever finish this work. As it is, I barely have enough time to sleep, let alone do extra revision.”

“When’s the next Quidditch match?”

“Not for ages. It’s the last one of the competition, just before the end of the year so I’ve got a bit more free time at the moment,” said Cassie as she picked up her Runes dictionary.

“Shall we revise over the Easter holidays?”

“Yeah, you have to force me to revise or I won’t do any work.”

“Trust me, I will.”

By the beginning of the holidays all of their homework had been replaced by revision so, despite what she had previously thought, Cassie managed to fit in a few hours’ worth of revision every night, apart from the two nights a week that she had Quidditch practice.

“I’m sorry that we’re having two a week,” said James before one of their practices, “it’s eating into my revision time too-”

“You’re doing revision?” asked Cassie incredulously.

“Well, not much,” he admitted with a self deprecating laugh. “But we have a good chance of winning the Cup this year and I don’t want to jeopardise our chance by getting slack just because it’s summer now and we have exams coming up. Ravenclaw only beat Hufflepuff by twenty points before Easter so as long as we beat them by about forty points we will have won the Cup.”


Cassie spent every day of the holidays in the Gryffindor common room revising with Lily, Mary and Alice, filling her head up with dates for History of Magic, potions recipes, properties of various plants and their essences, numbers and their meanings and various incantations. Despite pleading numerous times with them to test her on Runes and their translations they had refused, and Cassie was dreading learning them on her own.

However, a couple of days into the holiday Cassie was revising in the common room and testing herself on the meanings of various runes when she heard someone say, “Are you revising Ancient Runes?”

“Yeah I am,” she said, looking up and seeing Remus Lupin standing in front of her. “Do you want to join me? I’m having trouble getting anyone else to test me,” she said with a rueful smile.

“Me too, none of my friends do it,” he laughed as he sat down beside her. “I mean, can you imagine Sirius or James doing Ancient Runes?” he smirked as Cassie joined in with his laughter.


Just before the end of the holidays a notice appeared on the Gryffindor notice board which said:

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