Quidditch Cup

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Just a quick note before we get into the story. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE vote for it if you like it! I'm not stalking you or anything, but I know who's added it to their library *insert stern look here* and I am begging you to vote for it. Pleaseeeeeee!! Pretty pretty pretty please with Ben and Jerry's and sprinkles and cream go back through it and vote for any parts you haven't already voted for. I really, really, really appreciate it when you do. Let's make my day and boost it up the What's Hot list!!! (I'm not blackmailing you or anything but I have a lot, lot, lot more written and the more you vote the faster I will upload it. So if you want to read some more...)

And comment too! We must never underestimate the power of the comment! I love to hear what you think of it, even if you're telling me it sucks!

Anyway I'll just let you read it now...

Sunday couldn’t come fast enough for Sirius who was waiting for it in anticipation, as jittery as a child before Christmas. “You’re looking a bit off Padfoot,” said James in Charms. “I’ve got just the thing to cheer you up; we can do it tonight.”

“I can’t.”

“Why not? You don’t even know what it is yet.”

“If I get detention today it might be for Sunday, and if I have detention on Sunday then I won’t be able to see Cassie. Shall we do it in a couple of days?” he asked as he saw James’ face fall before a surprised look crossed his face. “Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you reject a prank,” James said, stunned.

“Well there was that one time in second year…”

“Yeah but you were throwing up out of your ears so that was understandable…”

“I still can’t believe Wormtail did that… how do you get there from changing the colour of a teapot?”

“We will never know,” said James sagely.


Finally Cassie appeared in the common room on Sunday afternoon and smiled shyly. “Well… here I am,” she said as she followed him downstairs and out into the grounds. They say down in a secluded spot, in the shade of a low tree, and Cassie tucked her legs underneath her as she eyed Sirius. “So…” she said with a little smile, “what shall we talk about?”

“Well you’re the master of the conversation so…”

“Hey! If I’m not mistaken you were the one who asked me out so it should be you!”

Sirius cast about for a topic of conversation, suddenly nervous again. “What’s your favourite colour?”

Cassie laughed. “You’re not honestly asking me that are you?”

“What’s wrong with it?” he said defensively.

“It’s the most boring question ever! But the answer is light blue. You?”

“Chocolate brown,” he said as he looked into her eyes.

“Brown?” she said incredulously. “I never had you down as a brown person.”

“You had me down as something? That’s a little bit creepy,” he said as Cassie snorted.

“Oh come on! You know what I meant!” she laughed. “Actually the thing is… I’ve secretly been stalking you for the past five years so…”

“I knew there was some reason my shirts kept disappearing!” he said.

“Yeah… that might have been me. By the way, I still have your teddy so…”

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