The Fidelius Charm

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Cassie and Sirius walked up the road which led out of Godric’s Hollow, the snowflakes clinging to their hair and clothes. Leaving the bright lights of the village behind them they approached the end of the houses, before finally they turned into the last house, a small cottage with ivy growing up one side which contrasted greatly with its pale bricks. Pushing the gate open quietly they walked up the path and knocked on the door.

“Cassie! Padfoot!” squealed Lily as she opened the door for them, warm light spilling out into their garden. “Merry Christmas!” she said as she hugged both of them, kissing Sirius on each cheek.

“Merry Christmas!” they heard James call as they went inside.

“He’s just finishing putting Harry into his pyjamas,” she explained as she led them into the sitting room where a roaring fire and an enormous Christmas tree dominated the room, festooned with tinsel, baubles and even some candles. “Oh look, here they are!” she said as James appeared in the doorway, Harry in his arms. “Sorry, Harry decided to play with my glasses,” he said apologetically, pushing said glasses up on his nose and giving Harry to Lily.

“It’s okay,” Cassie replied with a grin as she hugged him, sitting back down beside Lily.

“How’ve you been then?” Sirius asked as he stretched out in his armchair.

“Good, we’ve been good,” Lily replied happily.

“Sometimes not being allowed out can get a bit boring but I suppose I’d rather that than...” James said meaningfully as Sirius nodded in agreement. “Yeah I can see that mate. You should use the cloak a bit.”

“Padfoot! You can’t encourage him!” Lily cried jokingly.

“I have been,” whispered James with a chuckle.

“Harry looks so much bigger than last time,” Cassie said to Lily as James and Sirius began to talk about something else between the two of them. “When did we see him? It must have been, what, three months ago? For mine and Sirius’ birthdays.”

“Yeah, about two months ago, wasn’t it?” Lily said. “Do you want to hold him?”

“Okay sure,” Cassie answered as Lily gave Harry to her, his eyes lighting up as he laughed.

“If you hold him up he bounces up and down like a little Whizzbang,” James said with a grin. Cassie held him up above her knees, letting his feet touch them and, true to what James had said, Harry began to bob up and down, making them all laugh.

“He’s just started crawling and he’s been chasing Daia all the way around the house!” Lily laughed as she watched him giggle excitedly, tickling his stomach as he bounced.

“I almost tripped over him yesterday,” James told them. “I was in the kitchen, turned around and then BAM! I nearly went flying!” he said, making Sirius crack up. “My glasses broke as well so then I had to crawl around on the floor too, only I was looking for them and he was being really unhelpful!”

“I came downstairs and at first I thought they were playing some sort of game. Of course that was until James rammed into the table leg three times in a row!” Lily added, making them laugh even harder, wiping tears from their eyes.

“Well done Prongs! I knew you were an idiot!” mocked Sirius.

“Well if I’m an idiot you must be some sort of troll,” James replied.

“He’s going to be uncontrollable when he starts walking,” said Lily once they had stopped laughing, only Harry still grinning.


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