Mysteries (Present Part Six)

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Bonjour tout le monde! Just a quick A/N to say that I have added a couple of bits in throughout the story (although it still makes sense if you don't read it) the largest part of which is in the chapter James and Lily. Also another reminder that, in the first scene below, I have shamelessly stolen J.K. Rowling's brilliant work and the dialogue belongs to her (as do the characters, main plot, things, places, you get the picture.)

Also I have started a James and Lily fan fic so the external link is in this part, just at the bottom of the info box. Please support it, it'd mean so much to me :)

Sirius was itching to attack Snape. His very presence in his house, albeit a house which he hated passionately, was infuriating and sickening. Finally the tense silence was broken by Harry’s entrance and Snape bidding him to sit down; never before had Sirius been happier that Harry sat beside him, both of them ranged against Snape. “You know, I think I’d prefer it if you didn’t give orders here, Snape. It’s my house, you see,” Sirius said, looking up at the ceiling in an attempt to stop himself hexing the slimy man opposite him.

“I was supposed to see you alone Potter, but Black-”

“I’m his godfather,” Sirius replied, raising his voice as he controlled the desire to hex Snivellus into oblivion.

“I am here on Dumbledore’s orders, but by all means stay, Black, I know you like to feel… involved.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked heatedly.

“Merely that I am sure you must feel… frustrated by the fact that you can do nothing useful for the Order.”

Sirius focused on breathing slowly and steadily as the anger which Snape stirred growled like a wild animal longing to be set free; under the table he clenched his hands into fists. ‘Must not curse him, must not curse him,’ he repeated over and over in his head until he was roused from his thoughts by Harry’s panicked glance at him. “Why can’t Dumbledore teach Harry? Why you?”

Whatever Sirius might have said in return to Snape’s answer was eclipsed by the joy he felt when he saw Snape leaving. That was, at least, until Snape then said, “If anybody asks, you are taking remedial Potions. Nobody who has seen you in my classes could deny you need it,” and the anger took hold of him once again.

“Wait a moment.”

“I am rather in a hurry Black. Unlike you, I do not have unlimited leisure time.”

“I’ll get to the point then,” Sirius replied as he stood up, glaring at Snape. “If I hear you’re using these Occlumency lessons to give Harry a hard time, you’ll have me to answer to.”

“How touching. But surely you have noticed that Potter is very like his father?”

“Yes I have,” Sirius said happily.

“Well then, you’ll know he’s so arrogant that criticism simply bounces off him.”

Sirius knew that there was no way he would be able to control his anger towards Snape now. Oh just to curse him, just once more, and have the satisfaction of humiliating him or hurting him. He knew that he and Snape would never have a good relationship, he didn’t want one with him, but to insult James and Harry in one go was too far. Sirius whipped out his wand and pointed it at Snape, the anger roiling just below his surface. “I’ve warned you, Snivellus, I don’t care if Dumbledore thinks you’ve reformed, I know better,” he said. Not even Lily could keep him out of the Dark Arts and everyone knew how he’d followed her around, so Sirius highly mistrusted whatever it was that made Snape claim to be different now. In fact, any possible feelings he’d had towards Lily must have been eradicated by his bitterness when she started going out with James, and if Sirius didn’t know for certain that they had been betrayed by Peter, he was sure it was something Snape would have done.

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