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“Wake up Padfoot!” said James, hitting him with a pillow as Sirius mumbled incoherently and rolled over. James pointed his wand at Sirius and his body flew into the air.

“What was that for?” cried Sirius as he hung in the air, hoisted up by his ankle.

“You weren’t waking up. I was worried about you, I thought you might be dead,” James replied, feigning innocence.

“Let me down!”

“Fine, but you have to come down for breakfast.”

“Yeah yeah,” said Sirius as he crashed back down onto the bed. “I’m not exactly going to go back to sleep now.”

“You’d better not because I have to see Lily today.”

“Oh you’re meeting Vernon!” said Sirius as both of them cracked up. “I’ll probably go and see Cassie then.”

“Well that was what I was expecting you to do,” said James casually. “Come on, my mum said that she made pancakes.”

Sirius leapt up. “First one there gets the most!” he cried as he sprinted out of the door, arriving at the bottom of the stairs to see James sitting in a chair at the table, an enormous pile of pancakes on the plate before him. “You forgot about Apparition you idiot,” he smirked. “I left you a couple; I’m sure that’ll be enough.”

“I hope you throw up and are cursed with spattergroit for the rest of your life,” said Sirius as he sat down beside James, looking forlornly at the two pancakes on his plate.

“James!” cried Mrs Potter as she bustled into the kitchen. “Put some of those pancakes back at once! Look how few poor Sirius has!” she cried, Sirius pulling faces at James behind her back and nodding in agreement.

“I can’t. I already licked them all.”

“I’ll just make you some more then dear,” she said kindly to Sirius before waving her wand at the batter, shaking her head at James. “What will I do with you?” she asked with a smile before serving Sirius some more pancakes minutes later. These he nearly inhaled, looking terrified that James would snatch them off his plate, a thought which was almost certainly running through James’ mind.


“How’ve your holidays been?” asked Lily as she embraced Cassie outside the door to her house.

“They were good thanks. Yours?” Cassie replied as she led Lily upstairs.

“Yeah they were good. I saw Petunia the other day.”

“Oh I forgot!” cried Cassie. “How was Vernon?” she asked with a giggle.

“It was awful!” cried Lily as she collapsed on Cassie’s bed. “Absolutely awful!”

“What happened?”

“We went to the restaurant where we were meeting Petunia and Vernon, and at first everything was fine. Petunia had told Vernon about us and they seemed fine about it, but then everything went wrong.”

“Oh no! What happened?”

“Well I was trying to make polite conversation, asking Petunia about her job as a secretary and how she met Vernon and things, and he’d contribute to the conversation every now and then, mostly to talk about himself, and it was all going well, well alright, and then… Vernon started asking us about life as wizards and he was so rude about it! He kept boasting about his car-”

“What’s a car?” Cassie interrupted.

“It’s what Muggles use to travel long distances. They’re mechanical and you sit in them and drive. They’re what all the things on the roads are – kind of the Muggle equivalent of broomsticks.”

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