~9.Welcome Hugs And Knives~

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   My tires came to a halt when I reached a parking space for my car. I hopped out of my car with my bags and made my way to the doors of the castle like mansion. The wind whipped my hair around as I walked on the stone pathway.

   The outside of the mansion looked to be victorian styled with large windows and the grey and red stone covering the outside. There was a small modern touch when I saw some stucco on some areas of the walls. I rang the door bell that looked so elegant yet so, ordinary. As I waited, my bags and I faced the double doors in front of me that looked like it costed more than my cars.

My thoughts were cut short when a woman, not older than fifty, opened the door. Her appearance consisted of a plain black dress and flats. The sun kissed blond hair she had was fading in some areas and the smile on her face just made me feel welcomed. It was a genuine smile.

"Are you the new maid?" the older woman asked.

"Yeah I am," I say shyly.

"Oh then come in," she gestures inside. "And let me help you take your bags-"

"No please I can take it, you-" I tried to butt in but she cut me off.

"Now just cause I'm about to be fifty doesn't mean that I can't help people carry their stuff in. It's rude of me to just sit there and watch you struggle now stop being stubborn and let me help you," the woman sassily snapped.

I was stunned. Never once in my mind has a thought about this woman having a backbone cross my mind. Still shocked, I trailed behind her inside with my suitcase, while she carried my duffle bag.

The inside of this home was to die for. There where two spiral staircases cascading their way down to the ground floor in such an elegant manner while that complimented the giant crystal chandeliers being hung from the high ceilings. The floors were so white that it practically blinded my vision. Paintings of various things were hung on the beige walls and some small wooden tables were in various places, making it less empty. Some of the tables held some flowers to give it that homey feeling. Well, I gotta give credit to White for having style.

"It's beautiful isn't it," the woman sighed. The only response I could give her was a head nod since I was still taking in my surroundings. I then look back at the woman, realizing that I haven't even told her my name.

"Oh how rude of me. I am Teresa," Teresa says extending her hand with another one of her bright smiles.

"I am Diana. Diana Stone," I respond back and also taking her hand and shaking it. I couldn't help but smile to her as well. Teresa's smiles were so contagious that nobody could resist.

"Come Diana, I will show you around," Teresa warmly smiles. "Someone will take your bags to your room." Teresa started to walking giving me the cue to follow her. The room she was taking me in was the kitchen where I saw the chefs working and another maid, about the same age as me, sitting at the kitchen table, on her phone. She has brown wavy hair that is pulled into a high pony tail. She has the same black dress and flats as Teresa - probably uniform for the maids.

"Leona, we have a new maid. Come meet her," Teresa calls to the girl named Leona. Leona then jumps out of her chair and walks over to meet me. The fact that she is trying to contain her excitement is very obvious. What this girl does next makes me hold in the urge to grab a knife and cut her.

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