Is there a sequal?

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   It has been a while since I've last written on this book and honestly, I have missed writing my authors notes for you all :) 

   So before I get into the following news comings up, I want to ask everyone. How was the book? I've gotten great feedback from some of you and it really warms my heart that some of you have enjoyed it. I've enjoyed the positive and critical feedback from all of you.

   Now for the news!! *cues drum roll*


   Yes it is going to feature the same characters but this time, will be in the main point of view of Scarlet and Xander's daughter, Katariene (If some of you haven't caught on yet, it's a combination of Joliene and Katherine which are the names of Scarlet and Xander's mothers.) This will be during her teenage years going to college-ish years so get ready for the minimal high school romance. I've even created a cover for the book and I want to show you guys a sneak peak of what it looks like.

    I hope you guys can obviously tell that it's the sequel XD

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    I hope you guys can obviously tell that it's the sequel XD.  Anyways, this book will feature soon but now I have to focus on editing AFH and write BTF for the time being so I hope everyone can hold their horses for a while. I'll probably post the first chapter and have very sporadic updates throughout the time I'm updating BTF.

   Here is the blurb:

   Katariene White, the daughter of an ex-assassin and strongest gang leader in the country.

   She is guarded by her protective parents from any harm coming their way. At this rate, she is protected from anything.

   But not quite enough.

   Somebody is out to kill her. Someone from her parents long and strenuous past and she doesn't even know who it is. Will she be able to catch the monster in time before she dies?

   Anyways, I hope you guys are hyped for the upcoming sequel. It may be a while but I will update from time to time.

And if you guys have a chance, please check out my other story Breaking The Fighter. Just a small peek :)


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