~14.Rebellious Actions Must Be Punished~

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I could feel my face paling by the second. My throat was starting to become drier than the Sahara Desert. There wasn't anything I could say to White about anything that he has just told me.

"Kitten, are you okay?" White asked with a hint of protectiveness. He tried to hide it but I could easily pick out those things people normally tried to hide.

I took a breath in, containing my thoughts. "It's just, a person that would hurt innocents is wrong in so many ways. What did he do to you?" I asked with my voice small.

"He did many things- things I don't want to tell you. Not right now at least. For now, I just have to get you guys to safety. This man has taken too many lives that were innocent so I'm going to have to prevent it," he whispered lowly.

I nodded my head in response.

Father raised me since I was young and I was always loyal to him. He always reminded all of us that we fought for the greater good - that we were actually helping the world but how is killing innocents helping? And if I give Father the stolen files from White, then he will only use this to hurt the people that I've grown close to. In the past, I didn't care about anything or anyone but ever since that I've came here, I started to changed. I was made into a person I didn't want to be. The only reason I complied all these years was because I thought that I was helping people. NO amount of "training" will make me stop caring about people in any way.

The memories of the recent mission I've completed back at White's club before I blew it up flooded into my head. The fire explosions and the screams heard from down the street are going to be branded into my soul and memories for as long as I live.


The slight wind made my hair fly away from my shoulders as I stared off into the woods from the balcony. The thought never left my head as I questioned myself along with my humanity.

What am I?

A buzz from my phone was heard onto the table. It was a text from Don.

Don: Meet me at the address on Wednesday. Btw Father wants the stuff by Sunday.

I chose not to reply to it since I had to head to bed. Putting my thoughts to rest, I attempted to go to sleep.


It was Monday morning and I haven't sent Father anything from White and his gang. The guilt would practically kill me since I'm basically handing White's grave to him. I know there are consequences but I felt that I was ready to face them.

My foot steps neared outside for my extra contacts in my car. Scanning my surroundings, I found my car. I pressed the unlock button and headed to my car. I thought I recalled leaving it in the trunk so I would have to check that first. On my trunk, I notice a couple scratch marks on the handle part. How did this happen?

Opening the trunk and forgetting about my worry, there was a large bin in the center. I recognized the smell coming from the bin in almost a second.

Something dead was in that bin in front of me.

I slowly opened the bin with some caution. The popping noise of the lid meant that it was now detached from the bin. When I removed the lid completely, my eyes were as wide as the moon when I take in what was in front of me. Or should I say who.

What lied in front of me is the head of Donovan with his two hands and his heart. His fingers on one hand were holding a bloody laminated index card.

Picking it up, I started to read it.

I told you to send me the things and you disobey me. Now you will suffer the lose of your dear brother for a mistake you could've prevented.

Endless streams of tears washed down my face as I started to hyperventilate.

Donovan was dead because of me.

How was it?

I feel like this chapter was really short for some reason so I apologize.

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