Chapter 2

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Here is the second chapter like I promised and I will hopefully get out the next one soon. So enjoy, vote, comment and follow xx

Chapter 2

The highway from the airport to D.C was dark and semi quiet. There were only few cars running on the road. One of which was a S.H.I.E.L.D standard issue SUV.

Agent Natasha Romanoff sat in the passenger seat as her arrow shooting best friend, Agent Clinton (Clint) Barton drove.

The car was quite and peaceful, well that was until a faint, pained full groan was heard from the back seats.

"Ugh!" The trained red headed assassin looked over to the source of the sound, a single 19 year old white haired, silver/green eyed girl. She was slouched in her seat behind Natasha.

"Hey there sleepy head, your awake." Clint called over his shoulder.

"What happened? Where... where the hell am I!? And why... am I... handcuffed to the door?" Elizabeth Cameron asked, fully confused at the currant situation. "There had got to be some kind of compliment in there somewhere!" Her voice groggy as she sat up straighter in her seat.

"No. We're being safe, so you're handcuffed. Deal with it." Natasha says, a smirk playing on her face as she did so.

"Your both jackasses, who sedates people, all because they said no to going somewhere they don't wanna go?!" Eli asked. "Who even does that!?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D." Was all they both said, smug smirks on their faces.

"Of course, why does that not surprise me?" She glared at the two as she asked more to herself then anyone else in the car. "No doubt that Nick is the instigator behind this whole endeavour." No reply. Just more smirks.

In fact no one said anything for a long while. The car filling up with awkward, tense silence. Both Agents could feel her glare drilling holes into her head but chose to... uncomfortably... ignore it.

After 10-20 minutes or so Natasha finally snaps. "Okay stop with the glares. You've made your point! You're pissed, we get it."

"Clearly you don't, seeing as you didn't listen back at the hotel when I said that I was being hunted by more then just S.H.I.E.L.D. Some of which will dissect me just to find out how I tick!" Eli was slowly getting even more pissed off and angrier by the second and she was gonna blow very soon.

"Look you'll be safe back at H.Q, so there is no need for-" She didn't get to finish due to the car that slammed into the side of the SUV.

Eli screamed, Natasha shouted strings of words in Russian that should never be repeated within public again, and Clint tried to gain control of the car. But the force of the hit have the car turn 90 degrees before catching on the road. The whole car falling on its side. The car rolled 5 or 6 times before landing on its roof. Eli, Nat and Clint all groaned out in pain from the force.

"Are you okay Eli?" Clint asked the pained girl.

"I'm so glad you put my seat belt on me while I was out. But my wrist is ether broken or dislocated from the strain of being in handcuffs. But other then that I'm great so thanks. By the way, Agent Romanoff, what was that you said about being safe!" Eli groaned out, but the Agent in question ignored her.

"Can you get out Tash?" Clint said as he turned to his partner, though he was having a hard time with keeping the laugh at bay at the look on his friends face.

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