Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

No one was sure on how long Eli was planning on staying in her room, all they knew was that it had been 3 days since she had locked herself away from everyone. She hadn't even come out to eat. And it was making everyone anxious.

Agent Hill had been over (and given them all an ear full), Fury and even Pepper, Tony's girlfriend had tried to talk to her. But it was like talking to a brick wall. You talk, but you get no response.

The six Avengers were sat around the table in the kitchen. They had filled Natasha in on what she had missed, and now after three days of waiting, they we're devising a plan on how to get Eli to come out of her room.

"We could always bribe her." Tony spoke. "I mean, there has got to be a way to get her to come out right. We just find it and we grab her and make sure she stays in our sights at all times."

"That wouldn't work Stark and you know it. Speedy's trained, she could easily beat all our asses." Clint says, his voice sounded tired and warn out. He was one of the main people to try and get Eli to come out. He felt guilty after all, he was the one to ask questions about her past

"Tony, can't you just order J.A.R.V.I.S open the elevator to her floor?" Natasha asked looking at the genius.

"... I hate you!" And he was up and off his chair before anyone could blink.

"Did... Did he really not think of trying that!?" Natasha demanded to the others. They all shook their heads.

"Um guys!" Tony's voice sounded from down had everyone up and running to him.

There, stood in the entry way of the elevator, was Eli. She was in work out cloths and her earphones and phone was in one hand.


"Hey?" She asked sceptically though she sounded cut off as she moved out of the small metal box and toward the training room.

"Hey Eli wai-" Clint cut Tony off by placing a hand on his shoulder.

"No wait. Let me talk to her." And he was gone.

"What just happened!?" Tony asked, confused.

"Clint's pulling up his big boy pants." Was all Natasha said with a smirk before disappearing down the same hallway too, following the two.

The other four just stood there looking like idiots trying to pieces everything together.


Clint had gotten to the training room just as Eli stared to hit the punching bag, but she kept her earphones out. He watched as she kept a steady rhythm on the bag, each hit had meaning behind it. After a while Clint spoke up.

"You know if you want to let out your anger, why not try with a person. Not a bag."

Eli stopped what she was doing and turned to look at him. "I don't want to hurt you or anyone else." And went back to punching.

"Bull, I know you can fight me, without hurting me."

"Leave me alone Clint." He could hear her teeth grind together, and he knew that if he continues, then he would come to regret it later. But no! He just had to keep pushing anyway.

"No, I want to know why you ran? Why you shut yourself off from all of us? Why you won't talk? I want to know why Eli, and I want to know now!"

Clint wasn't sure who was angrier; him, who was now stood right behind the white haired girl, who was breathing heavily or the white haired girl who was growing red with anger and was visibly shaking at the slowly growing pissed off Master Archer.

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