Chapter 22

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It's a good song, don't judge!

Okay, so. I haven't updated in a while but I just wanted to drag this out. This in the second to last chapter... this means that there is only one left after this one.
So enjoy, read, vote and comment x

Chapter 22

It had been six whole day since they had saved Eli. Strucker was shot on sight by Clint and Eli was rushed to a medic after being shot in the side.

It luckily had missed some of her major organs and was little over a graze. Now the six Avenger were waiting for their tiniest member to wake up. Clint was with her most of the time and when he wasn't it was Steve, Nat or Banner. Stark was working on finding anyone left who was apart of hurting Eli. Who had suffered from seven broken ribs, bruising and lacerations all over her body.

She was heavily sedated because of the pain for the first three days back home in the one of Tony's Labs. It had been made into a temporary hospital, seeing as no one wanted her out of their sight after just getting her back.

She had been gone for a whole week. Stuck with Strucker and his rag-a-tag group of thugs. Once Clint had called to say she had gone missing everyone had dropped what they were doing with finding Strucker and were at the tower by midnight. There they came up with a plan to find Eli and bring her home. and after they had pin pointed the exact location of Eli's phone that were off with a team of highly trained S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Including Coulson and his team, Agent Hill and Nick Fury himself. They stayed a little bit before they all had to leave, missions and jobs to do.


I didn't wake up in the land of the dead.

I didn't even wake up in a hospital or some other type of medical center. It looked like one of Tony's Labs but had medical equipment around the room.

"Sleeping Beauty finally awakens."

That voice ... that wonderful, familiar voice that I loved so much. It enveloped me, and with it came the impossible truth and its full impact: I was alive. I was alive, I hadn't died by Strucker's hand. And Clint was here. They had saved me.

I turn my head to the side to see him and a smile come to my lips. "Are you my nurse?"

I saw him get up from a chair and walk over. Seeing him stand over me like that reminded me of just how tall he truly was. He looked down at me with a smile of his own, one of those full and smiles that lit up his whole face. He was in a pair of jeans and a V-neck t-shirt.

"No, no, you need to lie down Eli. You're still badly hurt." Soreness in my side told me he was right. My mind might be awake, but the rest of me was exhausted. I had no idea how much time had passed, but something told me my body had been fighting a battle with itself the whole time I've been out.

"Then come closer." I told him. "I want to see you properly. I missed you." He considered this a moment and then kicked off his shoes. Turning on my side, which made me wince, as it hurt... A lot. But I managed to wiggle over a little to make room near the bed's edge. He curled up beside me. Our faces rested on the same pillow, only a couple of inches apart as we gazed at each other.

"Is this better?" he whispered.

"Much." I whispered back, a lazy grin on my face.

With his fingers, he reached out and brushed hair from my face before tracing the edge of my cheekbone. "How are you feeling?"

"Hungry. And like I took a beating from a brick."

He laughed softly and cautiously slid his hand down to rest on my lower back, in a sort of half-embrace. "Of course you are. I think they've only managed to get broth into you so far. Well, that and IV fluids early on. You're probably in sugar withdrawal."

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