Chapter 15

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I've finished school people, in five months I'll be a University student!!! Oh so excited.
Anyways, vote and comment and here's another chapter.

Chapter 15

I stood in front of the stove as I stirred the egg that was cooking in a frying pan, moving to the beat of Guns N Roses 'Welcome To The Jungle'. Bacon was sizzling in another next to it and was browning beautifully. I turned down the heat a little and moved over to the cutting board that was filled with fruit that sat next to the three plates piled high with pancakes. I had a fresh pot of coffee brewing and a jug of fresh OJ waiting to be moved over to the table.

I pulled off my flannel and wrapped in around my waist, getting too warm. I was wearing a pare of black shorts, a white tank-top and my red flannel. Only on my feet were a pare of blue and white stripy socks and around my neck was a necklace Pepper had gotten me for my 20th. I only had on me six throwing knives and one gun. So I was getting better at not needing to be on guard all the time, but I was still gonna be prepared.

 So I was getting better at not needing to be on guard all the time, but I was still gonna be prepared

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I was still giddy from what had happened between myself and Clint in the training room. I had yet to see him this morning, and after him shouting after my after I left him in the training room, I was looking forward to his reactions. I turned back to the now finished Bacon and Eggs and took them off and placed them into dishes before carrying them over to the table before moving the plates of pancakes as well.

"J.A.R.V.I.S can you please wake everyone up or if they're up, and tell them breakfast is ready please." I called out to the A.I as I moved over plates and cutlery over to the table as well as the bowls of fruit.

"Certainly Ms. Eli. Ms. Romanoff and Mr. Barton are in the training room and are on their way, Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner are in the lab and Mr. Rogers and Thor are coming up in the elevator." The British Voice of the A.I sounded out. From here I cold hear the incoming footsteps of Tony and Bruce as well as the slight ding from the elevator. The only sounds that I couldn't hear were the ever silent foot fall of the two master assassins. I watched at all six Avengers came round the corner and moved over to the table.

"Good morning guys." I called out to them with a grin on my face and got back my normal responses from everyone but two.

"Hey squirt." - Tony

"Good Morning Eli." - Steve

"Hey Eli." - Bruce

"Good Morning Lady Eli." - Thor

I looked over to Nat to see the smug and knowing smirk on her face and Clint's slightly red and embarrassed face. Oh no. I closed my eyes knowing that Nat was about to start and sighed in frustration.

"Yes It is a good morning isn't it Eli." Here we go.

"Yup, Now get it over with Nat I don't have all day." I sat down at the end of the table, next to Steve and across from Clint, and rolled my eyes at the Russian redhead.

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