Chapter 21

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Well I haven't updated in a while. Nearly two weeks... cool. Anyways I hope you all enjoy this chapter. So read, comment and vote x

Chapter 22

When Eli next woke up she wasn't sure how long she had been out for. All she knew was that her cheek hurt and her ankle was stinging from where the metal chain was. Slowly she sat up and looked to see that the last time she woke up, that it was a nightmare. But alas it was reality, her reality.

She should have known that Strucker would have caught her eventually, knowing he'd find her and drag, or well drug, her back to this stone room. Eli lent against the wall and looked down at her dress to see it ripped and dirty and she had a gash on the side of her leg. She could feel the stickiness of the blood on the back of her head, as well as the the blood on the side of her face.

Eli was aware that she was going to be collected soon and tests will be starting the minute she was strapped down to the metal table. She knew that she'd have needles being shoved into her skin that were full of whatever they have come up with in the last ten years she had been away. And right on time, no longer then five minuets did she think this to door to her 'room' opened and in walked Strucker and two guards.

"Good morning Lizzy, nice to see you awake." He had a happy grin on his face at the sight before him. Eli chained up to the wall, weakened and right back with him as his lab rat and greatest success.

"Fuck off." Was all she said, but this only got her a kick in the gut by the closes guard.

"Now, now Lizzy, don't be like that." He nodded to the men on ether side of him and they moved and unlocked Eli's chained foot. Together they lifted the girl from the floor and dragged her out behind the Dr. as he walked the familiar path towards the testing room.

Once there Eli could see that it hadn't changed much since she had last seen it. It was still had white walls, graying stone floor and in the middle of the room, a metal table with restrains to hold her down. On one wall was a on way glass window where Strucker normally sat when the experiments were being done. Eli closed her eyes as she was forced onto the metal table and strapped down.


"Rinde sie fest Wir brauchen nicht, dass sie entkommt!" He called out in German which roughly translated to 'strap her down tightly, we do not need her escaping.'

"Jawohl!" 'Yes sir' And I was. I was strapped down tight enough that I couldn't move my wrists.

"We'll start off with electrocution first, for back talking to me." His accent him me as he spoke, but I kept my eyes closed. I didn't need them on to know what the cold metal was that was put on my head or what was put in my mouth to stop me from biting myself. I knew what it was, I new what it all was. And I knew I was going to have to deal with it until I was found.

When I felt the electric currants shoot through my veins, lighting up every nerve on fire so much that I was close to crying out in pain. But I held it in and bit down harder on the runner strap in my mouth, not wanting to give Strucker the satisfaction of hearing my screams of pain. I kept it all in as the currants got higher and higher, never once uttering a sound, only biting down harder until I was sure my teeth were going to crack. I didn't utter a sound as he ordered me to have my first injection. Or when the electricity was put on higher with each injection. By the time they had finished I was covered in sweat and shaking but still never made a sound. And I think it pissed off Strucker.

"Take her back to her cell. I'll deal with her in a moment. I want to see the results." He ordered the same two guards that bought me in. They nodded and dragged off my shacking body off.

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