Chapter 16

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Woah, I haven't updated since June! Wow I'm a bit behind. So here's your update, enjoy, read comment and vote!!

I just like this song.

Chapter 16

Clint stood in front of the now closed metal doors and placed his head against the cool metal. He sighed an angry sigh and and closed his eyes in frustration.

"Clint." The soft voice of his best friend came from behind him. "Are you okay?"

"I told you not to tell anyone, not to do anything. But you did." Clint said through gritted teeth. "Do you have any idea what I've just done because Tony pushed me to far, causing me to snap. And after I specifically asked you not to do anything."

"I'm sorry, I didn-" Nat was cut off by Clint pushing the elevator's down button. The doors opened automatically and he steeped in. Ignoring the words of his long time best friend.

"I'll see you later Natasha. I need to go see Eli and hope to god she doesn't hate me."

She knew how pissed he was just by the sound of her full name and nodded slightly. She watched at the doors closed before turning back towards the kitchen. She moved back to her seat, sat down and put her head in her hands. It was quite for a whiles, that was, until Tony opened his mouth.

"I'm guessing Legolas is pissed." It wasn't a question, more of a statement.

"He called me Natasha." Was all the red head said and they all knew he was pissed off past the the point of being just pissed off. "Why did you have to antagonist him, Tony. He asked you to drop it."

"I didn't know he was gonna snap like that. I just wanted to tease him and Eli a little. I never knew I would have pushed him so far. It's not often I can embarrass the normally emotionally closed off Eli." Tony said in a, surprisingly, regretful voice.

"I should have listened when he said to keep it quiet. I was just happy for him." Nat rested her head on the table in defeat.

It was quite for a few more minutes before Steve spoke. "It seems that you both messed up and that Barton isn't the only one who needs to apologise to Eli." He looked between the two. "Eli did try to asked you to not show that video. It was, in it's own rights, an invasion of privacy."

"For once I agree with Captain Spangles. We screwed up. Majorly."

"Yes, yes you did." A voice came from behind them. They all jumped an spun around to see Agent Maria Hill standing behind them in casual clothes and an angry look on her face. "Now what the hell did you do to my niece!"




Clint walked out of the elevator in Eli's floor and walked over to the door he knew she'd be behind. As he got closer, the sound of sobbing had his stomach twisted in disperse. He had made her cry, after promising not to hurt her, he did just that and made her cry.

He now stood out side her door and gently tapped her knuckles against the wood. But it was hesitant, like he was afraid of her reaction.

"... Eli." Clint's voice took on the same soft tone he used yesterday. "Can I come in."

It was silent, not even the sounds of her crying could be heard anymore. She wasn't answering, but she was listening. But Clint wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad one.

"Eli I know your in there. Look I'm sorry, I just... I lost it." Clint sighed in frustration. "Look I'm not going anywhere. And if your not coming out, I'll just come in. And I'll break down this door if I have to."

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