Ice Cream

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Me and Derek looked at each other and ran out the door yelling about the tattoo parlor. We got in my car and drove as fast as we could on a 2 lane street during rush hour.

When we got there we slammed the car doors and ran inside. I jerked Jason's door open and luckily he wasn't tattooing anyone because he almost fell out of his seat. Meanwhile Derek was yelling at his artist, Tyler.

"What the hell Jason?! You're closing?! What the fuck! Why didn't you tell me!" He stood up and tried to get me to calm down. "Hey hey hey! I was going to tell you but-" "But what?" I yelled over him. "I... I don't have an excuse. I'm sorry. I was going to yell you when you came back tomorrow. I mean... Normally you have me check on you the next day for infection or soreness. I was going to tell you tomorrow, I swear! We... We're moving in two weeks" he stammered.

I slumped down in the chair opposite from Jason's and  the room went quiet. Derek had stopped yelling. Jason sat back down in his chair and hung his head. "I'm sorry. We would stay if we could. In Canada we'll get almost three times profit. Please come and say goodbye. And please stay in touch. You and Derek are some of me and Tyler's best friends. We'd feel like shit if you guys forgot about us." "We'll say goodbye. I'm sorry for going phsyco. You have my number, call me when you're about to leave" I said glumly and walked out of the tattoo shop.

When I got to the parking lot Derek was leaning against my car. "How'd it go with Tyler?" I asked as I got in the car. "I yelled. He gave an excuse. I yelled some more and then waited out here. He had some good news though."

"Oh yeah? And what might that be?" I asked suspiciously. "I will tell you... If we can go to Dairy Queen."
"Dairy Queen! Really Derek?!" "Don't judge me! I saw a Blue Bunny commercial before we left!"
I chuckled slightly and pulled into Dairy Queen.

"You save us a spot in line. I need a cigarette." "Derek why did you start smoking?" "Same reason you started cutting. Stress." I consciously pulled down the sleeves on my Black Veil Brides hoodie and opened the door.

Derek came in after the line shortened by about 3 people. He ordered a birthday cake blizzard and I got a cherry dipped cone and fries. We sat down at booth close to the door and Derek got us sodas.

"So..." he said reaching for my fries. I grabbed the basket quickly. "Get your own!" I said selfishly. "OK then savage!" "I hope you get brain freeze!" I teased. "So..." He repeated. "So what" I said sipping my Dr. Pepper. "What about the new tattoo parlor?"

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