Motionless In White

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*Kaitlyn's POV*

I woke up on Josh. ON HIM, not next to him. I yawned and sat up. Josh moved his hand off my back and rubbed his eyes. The covers fell off and I was shirtless. "What the fuck did we do last night? Josh if I'm pregnant you're going to die. Not from me, Derek, Adam, and Polly will kill you." He got off the bed and put on some black skinny jeans. "You're fine. I don't remember much but I know we didn't have sex." I got a shirt from the floor and walked to the bathroom. As I walked I heard voices. I peeked around the corner. The band was sitting on the couch. I ran back to the room so no one would see me in my underwear and asked Josh if I was still meeting them today.

"Josh, everyone's here" He threw me some jeans. "Really? Even Derek? How did they find my apartment?" He raised his eyebrows. "No you idiot, your band" His eyes grew wide. "Really?!" He ran out to the living room. I heard all the boys go and hug him but he was talking quickly about me. He ran back and rubbed my shoulders, forgetting there were scars everywhere. "Ow" I mumbled. "I'm sorry" he moved his hands down to my hips. "Are you sure you want to meet them, I mean after last night?" I looked up at him and smiled. "Ghost wasn't rude to me because of my self harm issue. I'm sure you guys have talked to fans that self harm, I don't care what they think as long as you're not convinced I'm some sort of monster. Do you think they'd ignore me cause of it?" He stepped away from me and grabbed a black craft cult beanie. "I know they wouldn't do that, I was just wondering if you were embarrassed." I kissed his cheek and walked out to the living room holding his hand. "Let's fucking do this" I whispered in his ear. He chuckled and we stood in front of the couch.

Ghost was there but he looked more professional. And he had his bass. Everyone had their instruments except for the drummer. I noticed Josh's keyboard in his bedroom. But no one would want to bring that or the drums out. They all said their names, what they played, and shook my hand. "I'm Chris, I sing, and I'm the outgoing funny one" *shake* "I'm Ricky, I play guitar and I'm the quiet one" *shake* "I'm Ryan, I also play guitar, and I'm the very quiet one" *shake* "I'm Vinny, the drummer and one that is never included in interviews" *shake* I settled back into the couch with Josh and they all smiled and glanced at each other.

"You guys are cute" Chris said with a smile. I blushed slightly and Josh kissed my forehead. "We would have gotten more dressed up but we woke up less than 5 minutes ago, so..." Josh said as I tried settling into the couch. "When did you guys start playing?" I asked timidly. "10 years ago" Chris seemed to take the lead most of the time, he did say he was the outgoing one. We talked for almost two hours about how far they've come, weirdest experiences with fans, best band pranks, and their favorite bands to hang out with.

"Are you coming to the concert next month?" Ghost asked me. "Yeah, I'll be there" Chris laughed. "You better not get nervous while you're playing Josh" he teased him. We wrapped up our conversations and they all hugged me and Josh before they left. Ghost went into their extra room that they used for a studio and played his bass. Josh and I went into the kitchen to look for something to eat. "What do you want?" he said opening cabinets. "Got anything to make spaghetti? I could eat that for the rest of my life" He laughed but said there wasn't anything to make it with. He walked into the studio and yelled at Ghost. "WE'RE GOING TO EAT OUT! WE'LL SEE YOU LATER!" I put on some random black sneakers that Josh had laying around. "Where are we going?" I asked when we got in the car. He turned the key and backed out. "Wherever you want baby" "FREDDY'S!" I yelled. "Damn! You don't have to be THAT excited" I connected my phone to the car's charger and played New Years Day.

"You know Chris used to go out with her?" I gasped. "No shit" he replied. "Why did they break up? They would look so cute together!" "I don't remember why they split, but they were cute while it lasted" I switched the song to Angel Eyes. "By the way, if you listened to them, how come you never listened to us? I mean, this song is with Chris" I furrowed my eyebrows and tapped on the video description. "Featuring Chris Motionless... How did I not notice that? I guess I just never saw it or looked it up"

When we got to Freddy's we waited in line for almost 15 minutes. We finally got cups and went to get soda. I mixed a little bit of everything like Ally does. "Try it" I shoved it in Josh's face. "No" "Yes" "No Kaitlyn" "PLISS?!" "Why do you say it like that?" "PLISS?!" " If you say please not pliss" "Fine. Please." "No" "What? You agreed to it you have to!" "OK! If it makes you happy!" He sipped it and gave it some thought before answering me. "It's not bad, but I would rather have one soda, not 20 different flavors at once. It's a little overpowering" Our number was called. When we went up the woman glanced down at me and glared. The scars. I was used to it. Josh got pissed though. He took our order with us. He even took the tray and baskets that the fries came in. "Sir you can't take those!" the manager called after us. "Just fucking watch me! Fuck you and your employees!" I was embarrassed. "Josh, calm down" I whispered and grabbed onto his arm. "NO! That's some bullshit! No one will look at you like that when I'm with you! It's just a tray! No one fucking cares about it! It doesn't have feelings! You do! I do! That woman in there is a heartless bitch that doesn't care about anybody or their problems!" I got in the car and started eating fries. I would expect him to throw the food away and go somewhere else, but we both liked food too much to throw it away. He yelled at the manager some more and I covered my ears.

When he got back in the car he slammed the door shut so hard it almost fell off. "Kaitlyn..." he looked over at me and tried to pull my hands off my ears. "I'm sorry. I don't want you to feel embarrassed by me. I shouldn't have done that. But that woman shouldn't have looked at you like that. I don't want you to feel embarrassed by your scars either. No one knows what you've been through. I don't know everything about your past." I thanked him for his apology and tried to change the subject but we just stayed silent and ate on the way home. We decided to stop by my place to get the SAW series. When we drove back to his place he reached over and held my hand. "I'm sorry" he repeated. "I know, I'm not ignoring you. It's just for once silence isn't haunting. It's nice for a change. I liked the sound of silence before we fell asleep last night. All I could hear was my own heart beating and your breathing. I felt comfortable, no depressing thoughts could bother me when I was with you last night." He kept his eyes on the road but smiled.

When we opened the front door the sound of Ghost's bass filled the hallway. We walked in and put the tray from Freddy's in the sink. "Nobody cares about a tray. It's fine. I don't think I'll get arrested." I went to the bathroom and changed while he did in the bedroom. I used my Noxema pads to remove acne (which I've never had, but since I use it I don't have any). I looked in the mirror and stuck my stomach out. Yep, still fat. Josh knocked on the bathroom door. "Come in" I said trying not to sound self conscious. "I just can't believe I overreacted earlier. I'm sorry..." "Not this again." I looked down at the floor and laughed. I glanced up at him and he was confused. "I think it's kind of funny now. I mean you almost got arrested for stealing a tray." He thought about it for a moment and laughed too. I brushed my teeth and started too comb my hair but Josh stopped me.

"Can I brush it?" I nodded. We walked back to the room. I know he's always been kind of romantic. I started to feel relaxed again and closed my eyes. When he was done we put SAW in. Now this wasnt vwry relaxing, but for some reason I ways loved it. Ecspecially the gross brain surgery in #3. Just as Josh sat on the bed and got under the covers Ghost knocked on the bedroom door. "Yeah?" Josh called."Why is there a tray in the kitchen?"

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