The Strange And Unusual

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*4 months later*

Everyone was sleeping over at my apartment. Even Madi and Ally. Derek and Aaron slept in my mom's old (but redecorated) room and somehow all 5 of us girls managed to fit in my closet.

When I woke up I was surrounded by pillows, blankets, chargers, and Hannah typing quickly on her laptop. I turned on my other side and Polly came in yelling at us. "Come on guys! The new tattoo parlor is opening up! I want to get my fairytale tattoo, lets go!"
"Blehhh" I groaned and pulled a blanket over my head.

Aaron walked in and played the loudest song he could find on his phone. Hospital For Souls by Bring Me The Horizon. "Fine I'm up!" I yelled over Oli Sykes.

I looked over at Hannah and she said slowly, "ONE. MORE. SENTENCE!" She slammed her laptop close, put on some Dr. Who slippers and we walked out of my room.

Aaron was watching YouTube, Ally was helping Madison with her vlogging camera, Polly was flipping through TV channels and Derek was getting out plates in the kitchen.

"I found some bacon in your fridge and I uh..."
"That's fine as long as you don't burn the apartment down" I replied grabbing a plate. Me, Hannah, and Derek walked back to the living room and sat on the couch.

"Lily! Ralph!" Hannah called. Lily is my pug and Ralph is Hannah's pitbull. Ralph is energetic and my lazy Lily tries to keep up with him. He tries to take naps with her in return. Hannah gave them each a small piece of bacon and I got up to get some syrup from the kitchen.

I poured it over my bacon and Aaron looked up from his laptop. "No Kaitlyn! Why are you ruining bacon?!" he shouted at me. "I can't eat bacon without syrup!" "Gross!" he said and returned to whatever YouTube video he was watching.

Polly was still searching through channels but stopped on the news. It was a reporter at the mall explaining the Grand Opening of the new tattoo parlor, The Strange And Unusual.

"Oh my gosh now we HAVE to go!" Polly begged us. "After bacon" Hannah said. "What about you guys" Polly turned to Aaron, Madi, and Ally. "Yeah, we're going to vlog" Madi said showing us her camera. Madi is a youtuber called Fluffykittybob, Polly is Smarshmellow and Ally is KillerNyan. "I'll get my GoPro!" Polly said going to my room. Hannah was done with her bacon so she took my plate to the kitchen with hers. Derek went to go get a beanie out of his apartment and Aaron went to get changed. Me and Hannah went to change out of our Lazy Day pants and Ally and Madi got shoes on.

About 5 minutes later half of us were in Aaron's car and the other half in Polly's. About 15 more minutes we were in the mall parking lot acting like total idiots.

"Here it is! My third sanctuary!" I said getting on my knees and worshipping the tattoo parlor. "Let me guess... Sanctuary 1 is Hot Topic and 2 is Spencer's"
Aaron said sarcastically. "Bingo!" I said getting up from the floor. "So, The Strange And Unusual. Sounds like us" Ally said.

We all chuckled and walked in. People were buzzing around everywhere. It was the grand opening, of course there would be alot of people here! It was much bigger than I expected. Almost 4 times Hot Topic or Spencer's. Many workers in black aprons walked around and were talking to clients about tattoos on posters or showing them to the different rooms. There were about 25 small rooms and each had a name plate hanging above it. About 5 came up to us and immediately started talking. Aaron said "Ladies first" and sat down in the waiting area with Derek. "We might go to PetLand and Hot Topic while we wait" Derek shouted as we were pulled into different rooms.

I followed the cute one. Typical Kaitlyn. Always chasing boys but never can flirt. He opened the door for me and I sat down in one of the chairs. "I'm Josh. What's your name?"

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