Black Butler Marathon

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I woke up next to Kaitlyn and tried to get off the bed without waking her up. After I went to the bathroom I made coffee and tried to figure out how the TV works. Ally and Madi came in as I was trying to find something interesting to watch. They got some coffee and signed on to Netflix. They asked me if I liked anime and replied with not really. I shouldn't have said that because it lead to the Black Butler marathon.

Kaitlyn woke up about 3 episodes into the marathon. She was wearing KU pajama pants and the same Sleeping With Sirens shirt from yesterday. Her hair was ruffled and messy and her eyes were slightly shut from the light in the kitchen and tiredness. She looked cute walking sleepily back to the extra room where we slept. I told Madi and Ally to pause Black Butler and they started whispering as soon as I got up.

I knocked on the door and opened it when I heard a groan. "Hey" I said and sat on the end of the bed next to her feet. "The microwave made that annoying beeping sound so I thought I'd bring your coffee to you" Her face was in her pillow so she had to twist her neck like an owl to look at me. She smiled slightly, put her face back in the pillow, and said "Put it on the table" I set it on the small night stand and turned on the lamp. "Come on Kaitlyn, get up! Come watch Black Butler with us! I have NO IDEA what's going on! Who is Jack the Ripper! You must tell me!" I sat cross-legged and shook her feet. "We can watch Black Butler in here! Just turn on the Ps4 and choose Netflix" she said turning on her side and sipping coffee.

I turned on the Ps4 and Madi came in. "Whatcha doing?" she said peering into the dim room. "Watching Black Butler" I said grabbing the controller. "Why don't you guys come out- oh wait! Fine when you two are done making out we'll still be watching Netflix! Not sure what but it'll be on Netflix!" Me and Kaitlyn just stared at each other. I closed the door that she forgot to shut behind her and climbed in bed with Kaitlyn. That doesn't right... Not like that! We didn't make out!

Anyways... We fast forwarded episode 5 to where we left off in the living room and I stretched over Kaitlyn to get my beanie. We both had our backs leaning against the wall and once Kaitlyn finished her coffee, instead of being active she was even more tired. "So Grell is actually a reaper- HOLY SHIT he just killed Madame Red! WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?!" I yelled and then turned to look at Kaitlyn. "Hmm?" she mumbled. Her head was next to my thigh and she had an arm wrapped around my waist. "Just friends huh?" I whispered. She laughed quietly and I repositioned myself so I was laying down and facing her. She opened her eyes and said softly "Then why don't you ask me out?" I was shocked. I didn't know what to say or do. I reacted quickly, OK! But I guess it's a good thing that I kissed her.

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