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Josh gave me tissues and tried to comfort me the best he could. He went to his boss and told him he had to tend to me. When he came back he said that his boss would let him get an extra hour off work but he still had to stay. He drove me home and knocked on Adam's door. He had me wait at the door while he whispered a few things to Adam. I heard "Take care of her" and something about self harm. Josh came back over to me and rubbed my shoulders quickly. He kissed my forehead and whispered "I'll be back soon", and he was gone.

I laid down on the couch and wrapped my hood around my head so Adam couldn't see my ugly tear stained face. For once in his life he put down his controller and reached over to give me a hug. "I've had twice as many shitty days as you. What happened this time?" I told him about lunch with Derek and me dating Josh (since he met him the first time today and not very properly got introduced). "Never had that happen to me. I just... I've tried to tell you for over 5 years, you GOTTA STOP cutting yourself! I didn't notice it was getting bad. For almost 10 years you tried to hide it from me. You have too many people that care about you. There's me, Josh, Polly, and all those other emo chicks! Life sucks but if you're letting it tear you apart like this its going to suck even more." I rolled over on my back and tried not to cry again. That's probably the most encouraging thing I've ever heard from him. He almost never talks. There was a knock on the door and I slowly started to get back up off the couch. Josh was here. But when the door opened it was Derek.

*Josh's POV*

Just shut up lady and let me finish your tattoo! I wanted to smack her and tell her to get out of my shop. She kept talking about how rich she was and she had bills to pay off. I hope she loses all her money. I have a self harming girlfriend that needs me right now but I'm sitting here doing your rich bitch tattoo listening about your "problems". If only I could actually say these words. I'd get fired though.

I looked at the clock and about 10 minutes later the tattoo was finally finished. I stopped by my boss's office and he nodded for me to go. I went almost 15 miles above the speed limit to reach Kaitlyn's apartment building. She gave me her keys so I could get through the locked glass door and I ran up the stairs to Adam's.

She was laying on the couch and Adam was in the kitchen getting some beer. "Don't tell me you let her drink" She burped in reply. Wow. That was actually impressive. Worse than mine when I'm drunk but not as bad as Ghost, one of my band mates.

She giggled slightly as I helped her off the couch and down the stairs. That turned out to be a challenging task. I tried to walk beside her with her arm slung over my shoulder but she was too drunk. I had to carry her bridal style. I sat her on the edge of her bed and kneeled down beside her. She was happy but not on purpose. "Hey! Snap out of it! Kaitlyn!" I put my hands on her cheeks and she grinned at me with a more serious look. "What?" She was still drunk but I got her somewhat out of her fake trance of happiness. "I'm going to stay with you tonight, go put on some pajamas"

She went to her closet and I followed her. "I'm not changing in front if you" She was DEFINENTLY out of her trance now. Otherwise we would be making out on the floor right now. "I'm just making sure you don't cut yourself" She looked at some shorts on a shelf and a tank top. She walked over to me and hugged me tightly. She put her head in the crook of my neck and I kissed her forehead. "I wouldn't do it that often if you were here with me" I let her go and went back to her bed while she changed.

She came out and fluffed her hair slightly. She burped again. Oh my god what did Adam give her?

I went into her closet and changed also. Last time I was here I noticed she always buys shirts 2 times bigger than what she needs to, so when I tried it on it fit. I took my jeans off and walked out in my boxers. I heard water running and went to the bathroom. Kaitlyn was brushing her teeth and using these weird anti-acne wipes (Even though her friends say she's never had a pimple in her life). She started heading towards the guest room. "I thought we were sleeping in your room" I said confused. "Oh OK. I never really sleep in my room, I sleep in here or my closet" she replied walking out of the guest room. "Why not?" I followed her as she explained quickly. "My room is too big, it's perfect for all the shit I have but it just makes me feel lonely and scared" I looked down to grab her hand and noticed the scars on her thighs weren't as bad as when I'd first met her. She blushed and I told her not to be embarrassed.

"You're still the same person I met 2 weeks ago. I love you" I whispered the lyrics to Hold On Till May by Pierce The Veil. She smiled and we got into bed. I was on my back and she leaned into my chest. Eventually we fell asleep.

I woke up to empty sheets. I walked to the bathroom tiredly and heard Kaitlyn making weird noises. I knocked on the door and listened. "Babe... you alright?" "Come in" I opened the door and she started coughing. The toilet looked disgusting. Vomit was dripping on the floor. "Hangover?" She looked up at me as I laughed slightly. "Don't laugh at me, help me!" I bent down and gave her a washcloth. I went back into the kitchen to get a water bottle and rubbed her back. She pulled her bright red hair into a ponytail. Even though she was puking I still thought she looked cute in her PJs and tired eyes. "I love you but I'm not kissing you for a while" She glared at me. After some more coughing she was able to yell, "Whenever I get out of this bathroom I'm going to KILL Adam!"

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