2nd Date

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*Josh's POV*

I rolled over and fell on the floor. Kaitlyn heard the loud thud and crawled over the other side of the bed. She looked over the edge at me and smiled. "Good morning" she said sleepily and laughed at my stupidity. "Shit" I said rubbing my forehead. "Yeah... I'm fine. Thanks for asking." She rolled back over as I attempted to stand up. "Thanks for the sarcasm." I jumped on the bed and sat on top of her. "You're welcome." She put her hands on my chest and I kissed her.

There was laughing behind us, but not human. I turned around and realised it was my TV. It was Billy, the puppet from SAW. "I hate that little fucker, but I dressed like him for Halloween last year, so I don't exactly hate him, I think its just his laugh I find annoying" Kaitlyn said trying to get up. I pushed her back down and kissed her again. "I have to go to the bathroom. Let me up!" I continued kissing her down to her collarbone. "I don't care" I said trying to keep her down. "You will care if I piss all over you and your sheets" I let her up. "Good point." She rolled her eyes and shut the door behind her.

I muted the volume on my TV and went into the kitchen. Ghost was playing his bass again. This early in the morning? I looked at the clock on the stove. 2:19. I ran in the bathroom. "Kaitlyn! Its fucking 2:00!" She was at the sink brushing her teeth. *spit* "Thanks for knocking! If I was on the toilet I would have thrown a roll of toilet paper at your head!" I apologized quickly. "Sorry but do you know what time it is? We have to be at work in lime 10 minutes! Or at least I do! Let's go go go!"

I ran back into my room and threw on a shirt from the floor and a pair of pants from the pile of dirty clothes. Kaitlyn came in rubbing her eyes still tired. "Come on! You're slower than a zombie this morning!" I threw her some of my clothes. "I need underwear, can we stop by my place?" I glanced at her with a confused look. "No, here's some boxers." She seemed excited. "One of my wishes has been fulfilled! Now I just need to wear your hoodie! And by wear I mean wear for all eternity!"
She started going through my closet. "Got it!" I tied my shoes. "Just put it on and let's go! I don't care if you wear it for all eternity just as long as I'm not late to work!" We ran to the car and drove 3 miles over the speed limit. We only had two red lights.

Kaitlyn followed me to my office. She said she didn't have to get to Hot Topic until 3:30 so she sketched some tattoo designs while I worked on my clients. I let her borrow my laptop to send pictures of her drawings to her online college. I still don't understand how that works. Probably cause I've never really asked. We all were silent until my client asked about her. She had her headphones on so she didn't hear anything. "Who's that? Is she your girlfriend or something?" he asked me. "Yeah, she's mine." I smiled up at her, she was lipsincing to Avion Roe. She glanced up from her drawing. "She's beautiful, you're lucky." My smile grew. "Thank you. I know, I am." She took off her headphones. "What'd I miss?" "Nothing babe, go back to drawing." She smiled and put her headphones back on. About an hour later she got up and shut the laptop. "Gotta go. I love you. See you at 6:30?" I agreed and she kissed my cheek. My client smiled. "What's your wife like?" I noticed he had a wedding ring.

He went on to tell me about how they met, asking her to move in, getting married and having kids. He asked about me and Kaitlyn and I told him about our first date. That's really the only thing that we've done. I asked him about date ideas and told him Kaitlyn's likes and dislikes. When he left I thanked him for his help and wrote down ideas before my next client came in.

I texted Kaitlyn that she should go talk with Polly and the others when she got off work. She agreed and I put the list in my pocket. My client was here. Even though we talked about her grandchildren my mind was racing about tonight.

*3 hours later*

Ghost went to go get supplies at Hobby Lobby and I set up things on the balcony. Me and Kaitlyn's first date was going to see Beetle Juice 2. I thought I would do something more romantic this time.

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