My New Artist

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"Hopefully I'll be your new artist, most people call me a freak" I could tell by the black contacts he was wearing, he would probably scare most people. But... I liked it. "I don't think you're a freak. Most people judge me cause of this" I rolled up my sleeve to reveal my scars. I blushed a little out of embarrassment. "One of my friend's exes used to cut. She committed suicide. I hope you can stop,  but I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I want to help you with tattoos and hopefully more, but I also want you to know I won't judge you, I mean... Look at me!  I look I crawled out Coraline with my black contacts!"

I laughed at his comment. "What can I do for you today Kaitlyn?" "Well,  I was wondering if you could get tattoos over scars" I asked hesitantly. "Yes, it depends on how bad, new, or nerve related it is. The ones on your wrist will be fine if it's small but in some places the scars are new" "I want to get my scars permanently tattooed and put 'accept me for who I was, am, and will be' underneth them. But I want them on my thighs."

"May I see your thighs. I mean... If you don't mind" He asked me nervously and kindly. I shyly unzipped my skinny jeans showing him the many scars and scratches in the places no one had ever seen before. "Wow... Can you tell me what happened, you know,  when you're ready?" He asked me. "Yes, eventually"
I replied. He slowly reached his hand out and I nodded at him. He carefully let his hands slide over my cuts, faded and new.

"The ones on your right will be OK but your left  thigh has some newer ones that will need to heal before you can get the tattoos. Do you know of any other tattoos you might want?" I already had a backup so I didn't hesitate with an answer.

"I want 'don't let me drown' with a hand sticking up from the water,  there's a picture on Google of the exact one I want" "Nice. Bring Me The Horizon. You look that up on my laptop and I'll get the printer ready."

He got on a swivel chair and started to print the picture. I sat down next to him in another swivel chair and watched him trace the design. "How long are you able to stay?" "I'm free all day, my boss let me come here today to get this done" "Where do you work?" He asked curiously. "I attend college online and work at Hot Topic to pay for rent" "What are you going to college for?" "Tattoo artist"
I smiled and blushed and he laughed. "How does that work?" he chuckled. "I just take a picture or screenshot of my drawings and submit them" "Why don't you just do it yourself?" "Well... I don't have a license for it yet. Also, it... it's hard to explain. Kind of like when preppy girls go to get their nails done when they could easily buy fake nails and put it on themselves. And I get to meet people like you." "I can see your point." he smiled at me and I blushed back. Oh no, don't be weird, I thought to myself. I'm blushing too much! Don't obsess over him like you did with so many other boys in the past!

"Since you have the day off we can get the tattoo done today. How many do you have?" "3" I replied taking off my shoes. I'd notice that he'd already glanced at my semicolon tattoo so I didn't have to show him. "Where do you want this one?" "Right forearm- Damn! That was quick! You're already done with the stencil?!"

"Yes I am! Hop on the leather chair! Do you want headphones? You can search music on YouTube or see if you like my playlist" "No I'd rather talk, get to know you" "Well... I do play in a band" "Shut the fuck up really?!" "Yes. Motionless In White. We're growing, most people don't listen to screamo so..." "What do you play?" "Keyboard. I know don't laugh, not very manly"
Since he said not to laugh I just had to. "I know I know! You should come see us play sometime though. I can tell you like the same music as me" "I probably will... Are we getting to my tattoo any time soon?" "Yes of course! Sorry Kaitlyn!"

*4 hours of pain and stupid conversations later*

"And all done! You just need some plastic and tape to cover it and you should be on your way" "Thanks Josh"

He taped on some clear plastic and started talking about healing and infection. "Well that's it,  I hope to see you again Kaitlyn. So I uh... I guess you'll be on your way now" "You forgot something" I said nervously. Was I really going to do this,  I'm horrible at flirting! "Really? What?" he asked confused. "Your number"

He looked at me shockingly and wrote down his phone number. "For you know... Updates about the tattoo. I think you're the right artist for me" "Really? Well you've been very patient with me. You're the first client I've had in this new location" "Where'd you guys come from before you came to boring old Kansas?" "Pennyslvania" he said handing me his number. I put his number in my phone and test called him. "It worked, I'll add you as a contact" he said going to his contact list.

"I'll probably text you later, it's pretty boring at home" I said trying not to sound desperate. "I'll be here till 7:30 but I'll always answer your call" he said smiling. "Thank you Josh. I'll text you later." We hugged each other and I walked out.

Wow Kaitlyn. You just got a cute guy's phone number. Well because he's your tattoo artist not a real big score. But he still flirted with you! My brain began to argue weather or not he liked me.

I went to Hot Topic and showed my boss. When I left Madi and Ally were walking in. "Hey guys! Those look awesome!"
We all shared our tattoos with each other and went to look for Polly. Madi got a heart with headphones and music notes and Ally got a knife through a rose.

We found Polly and Derek at Chick Fil A finishing up some fries. Derek got the Black Veil Brides symbol and Polly got the fairytale symbol. Derek said Aaron and Hannah were still in PetLand so we all left the food court. We had to say hello to all of the puppies and baby talk them before we left. Aaron's tattoo was the Asking Alexandria The Black album cover on the outside of his right calf. Hannah got a Doctor Who police box on the back of her neck.

We went to Spencer's and since me, Madi, and Ally hadn't eaten yet we went to the Chinese restaurant and got take out. Once we had our to-go boxes we split up into Polly and Aaron's cars again and drove back home.

It was around 7:45 when we finally got back. Aaron and Derek went back to their apartment but the 5 of us girls went to Polly's apartment. Me and Hannah made a quick stop at my apartment to get Ralph and Lily.

When we walked in Polly was going on Netflix and looking for the episode of Black Butler Hannah had left off on. Me, Madi, Ally,  and Polly had seen all the episodes of Black Butler and finally convinced Hannah to watch it so we were back to season 1 episode 7. Yay.
After about 2 episodes my phone rang. Josh.

"Ooooooo" Polly teased. I told them about Josh between episodes and they all started to sing the I Ship It song. "Hello" I said sounding cheerful. "Hey" I walked into Polly's room and closed the door for privacy. Before I shut the door I glanced at the living room and the girls were all making kissy faces. They better not do this out in public, I thought to myself.

         *30 minutes later*

I walked out and everyone but Madi was sleeping. "So... How'd it go?" "Let's just say he wants to have lunch with me tomorrow. It's nothing big! Don't freak out!" "It is big! You haven't gone out with someone since middle school!" Polly turned over. "What happened?" she said sleepily. "Shit. Here we go again. It's not that big of a deal, right? We're just friends!" Hannah and Ally woke up from Madi going crazy about my "date". "it's not a date guys! We're just FRIENDS!" Ally and Hannah looked at each other. I can never forget the smirk on Ally's face as she said,"For now"

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