Final Chapter

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*4 Months Later Josh's POV*

Today is me and Kaitlyn's 5 month anniversary. I'm not really sure what to do for it. Since our 2nd (I think) date its been hard to come up with date ideas. Every Friday we would have one. The ones I can remember are a double date with Riley and Aaron, going to see the new SAW for Halloween, we went to an aquarium and sea life gallery, a few of my concerts, a planetarium, a hockey game, and whale watching.

It took me all week to come up with an idea. She told me her mom has always wanted to go in a hot air balloon, so I thought maybe I could have her be in one and me and Kaitlyn could go in another. It sounded romantic. I spent a ton of money but it was worth it. I also had an important question, not a proposal. Not yet at least. It was moving in. We had spent every other week at each others apartments, so I figured if she's already used to my apartment she could just move in with me.

I would ask Ghost to help me but I went to Polly instead. She knows Kaitlyn better than anyone.

I knocked on her door and she answered in her PJ's. "Sorry, let me get dressed. Just search Netflix or something." I sat down on her couch and tried to pet her cat, KitKat, but the evil thing scratched me. I moved to a different part of the couch and Polly came out. "So why are you here so early in the morning and without Kaitltyn?" I sighed and begged her for ideas. "I rented 2 hot air balloons but I don't know how to make this date better." She glanced down at he floor.

"Hmm... Make her a poem." I was surprised. "A poem?" "Yeah she writes poetry. You didn't know that?" I shook my head. "She likes to keep it secret. I've only read maybe 8 since I've known her. I've seen her write in her poetry book before but she'll kick me out of her room so she can put it in a hiding spot." I sighed again. Never really tried to write poetry.

"Anything else?" She took a few moments of silence again to think. "Sing for her. Music is one of the only things she cares about besides us and stars." "Wait I know!" Hannah came out of Polly's bedroom. "Travel!" I nodded. "Maybe, but where would we go?" Hannah sat down by Polly and they got quiet again. "You said you've met her parents before, right?" "Yeah, so?" Hannah's eyes lit up. "Take her to New Mexico! Her Uncle lives there!" That would be cool to meet him, she said he's really funny and she always talks about her spring break trips there.

I thanked them and headed back home. It was around 8:00 am so Kaitlyn was still asleep. I snuck onto her phone and wrote down her uncle's number. I entered it into my contact list and texted him about coming up there. He agreed and said he was excited to meet me and see Kaitlyn. I crawled back into bed with Kaitlyn and she turned to face me. "Hey beautiful." I stroked her cheek and ran my hand through her hair. "Morning" she whispered back quietly.

*13 hours later*

I got ready for our date and checked in the mirror one last time. There was a knock on the door and I got flustered, thinking it was Kaitlyn. Ghost walked in. He said he had finished packing the last box. He moved two floors down to a one bedroom apartment so me and Kaitlyn had the apartment to ourselves. If Kaitlyn agrees, she'll move her stuff into Ghost's old room and Madi and Ally will stay in Kansas and move into Kaitlyn's apartment. They'd each have their own room. I hugged ghost and I got into my car.

When I arrived at Kaitlyn's apartment Hannah and Polly hugged her before she walked down the stairs. She was beautiful as always. She changed her hair, but in a good way. It was in a bee hive, like Amy Winehouse, but smaller. She wore a short black layered dress with skulls and roses. Her red jewelry, lipstick, and pumps/wedges accented the roses on her dress. She stepped into car and I could smell her perfume. I kissed her and placed my right hand on her thigh, something we had gotten used to during car trips.

When we got to the lake she saw her mom's car and rushed to her to give her a hug. I shook her hand nervously but since I was letting her ride in a hot air balloon she was nicer than when we first met. We all got our hot air balloon tickets and times then said goodbye to her mom.

"We have at least thirty minutes, want to walk by the lake?" She nodded. She was awfully quiet tonight. She rested her head against my sholder and we took off our shoes. I rolled up my pants and we walked out into the shallow water together. She grabbed my arm tightly and I kissed her forehead. "Why are you so quiet?" She looked up at me. "I'm not trying to ignore you, I'm just relaxed. I had a hard day at work like always and its nice to be here with you." She looked up at the stars beginning to come out and I looked down at the calm waves. We walked across the sand and drew our names in a heart. I fell over and Kaitlyn started throwing sand at me. We wrestled for a little then realised there was a family not too far away. We got back up and tried to act like a normal and appropriate couple.

When we got further away I decided to ask her. I think it would be weird asking her while the guys that keep the fire going on the hot air balloon are listening. "So for the past few weeks I've been wondering, do you want to move in with me?" She let go of my hand and faced me. "I'd love to, its going to be hard for me to move all of my posters and hang them back up though." We smiled and hugged each other. "Lily can stay in our room if you want." Sbe nodded. I kissed her and told her the plan. I checked my phone. "We should head to the balloons." She laughed at me. "That's not something you hear everyday." We put our shoes back on and linked arms while we walked back.

We chose a black and white balloon. She stood in front of me and I wrapped my arms around her stomach.
I looked around at the other people in the balloon and decided to kiss her neck, everyone was caught up in their own husbands, girlfriends, etc. We watched the stars and I whispered One and Only by Teitur to her. Since it was her favorite love song I said it should be ours. We got scared a few times from peeking over the edge but other than that it was fun. When we got back down we said bye to her mom and headed back to Kaitlyn's apartment.

"I thought we were going to your house?" She looked confused. I shook my head and smiled. Hannah and Polly came out with suitcases they had packed while we were at the lake. "Josh where are we going?!" I helped the girls put the suitcases in the trunk and thanked them for their help. They said that while we were gone they and my band members would help pack Kaitlyn's stuff up and put it in my apartment. Or should I say OUR apartment. I told them not to mess with her closer though, she's very specific about her clothes.

I got back in the car and started the engine. "Josh where are we going?!" "You'll see!" I turned up the radio and for half the way there we rocked out to my band, Bring Me The Horizon, Black Veil Brides, Metallica, Avenged Sevenfold, and various other bands. It took us almost 27 hours to get to her uncle's house but we got there.

*Kaitlyn's POV*

I woke up with my head against the window and Josh shaking my shoulder. It was dark out and I was sort of confused. Wait, I've seen this driveway before. Uncle Joey?! What is he doing here?! I jumped out of the car and hugged him tightly. He smelled of liquor and smoke but I don't remember him for drinking, I know him for his humor and kindness. Josh started unloading our crap and I asked Uncle Joey why we were there. He explained about Josh's plan and I went to go hug him. He was sweaty from moving suitcases but I didn't care or mind. I was excited to have Josh meet Uncle Joey. I was glad to spend more time and make more memories with both of them.

*2 weeks later*

I was nailing the last poster in my new room when Josh came in. "Its the last one! Sorry for all the noise!" He laughed and yelled over the hammer. "You've been hanging shit up for the past hour and a half! The neighbors might want to get some sleep!" I got off the chair I was using as a stool and put it back in the living room corner. "I told you that was the last one." I smiled at Josh and hugged him. "So now that you're officially moved in, what do you want to do?" I went into his room and came out in a big T-shirt and underwear. I noticed him blush.

"So now that we're living together, what's the next step relationship wise?" He wasn't expecting that question. "Well..." he stuttered. "Get married I guess." I kissed his cheek. "When?" His eyes grew wide. "Whenever I think of a romantic way to propose."

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