Breaking The News

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*Derek's POV*

I got ready for work around 8:00 and made some cereal before I left. Aaron, Madi, and Ally weren't up yet so it didn't take me long. I got in my car, connected my phone so I could listen to Oceans Ate Alaska, and lit a cigarette. About ten minutes later I walked through the entrance of the mall and texted Kaitlyn, asking her about her lunch break. Right when I got into Spencer's she texted back, agreeing to around 12:45. I put on the stupid black aprons we always have to wear and put my phone and cigarettes in the employee lockers that only three people (including me) use. I walked out and waited for the long day of work to end.

*4 hours later*

I walked to Hot Topic and Kaitlyn was already there. But so was Josh. "Oh... Hey. I didn't expect you to be here" I said trying not to sound disappointed. "I'm not joining you guys, I just came to ask Kaitlyn about the original tattoo she wanted. I'll see you later" he and Kaitlyn smiled at each other and he began to walk back to his tattoo parlor.

Everyone loved him last night, I have a weird feeling about him. Kaitlyn's only known him for a week and she acts like she knows him better than Polly. The rest of us aren't hanging out with our tattoo artists, what's so special about Josh?

We ordered from a small Chinese place in the food court. Kaitlyn smiled at me and said "CHINESE FOOD" I laughed at the inside joke. Polly just randomly yelled that at one of our old teachers. We picked a table furthest away from people.All of us except Aaron are very antisocial. "So what's your tattoo artist like?" She took a sip of her drink and I was kind of confused. "Well... He's my tattoo artist nothing more. By the way, why is Josh hanging out with us? I mean we aren't inviting our tattoo artists over." She looked up at me kind of angered. "Cause when he gave me my tattoo I was comfortable talking with him. Even about my self harm" she looked down at the table and I moved closer to her. "You still haven't stopped?" I asked her quietly. She nodded and started to tear up. "I love you, please stop." She gave me a weird look. Oh shit, I said the wrong thing. "A-as a friend... right?" She began to put her empty containers and plastic ware on her tray. "I'm sorry, I just... I'm jealous of Josh! You've only known him for a week! I thought you liked me before you met him. He just aggravates me! Not cause he's annoying but because he's so close to you!" My face got hot out of anger and embarrassment. 

"I'll see you later Derek" she got up and dumped her tray. "Kaitlyn wait! I-I'm sorry!" I yelled after her, but she was already running towards the tattoo parlor. Shit! I just wanted to have lunch with her, maybe take her mind away from Josh but now I made her run to him! Now she knows I love her! What happened a few months ago flt so real to me, we spent every day together. But ever since this stupid tattoo shop has opened I've been jealous! I don't want to start cutting again but I feel crappy. I'm taking today off. I dialed Aaron's number and told him I was coming back to the apartment. He said he was still at work so I had to stay until he got off work also. I went back to Spencer's and put my black apron on sadly. I looked through the buttons and found one that said "It's a good thing you can't read my mind" I added it to my lanyard and went to sulk in the locker room. I stayed there until someone actually needed my help.

   *4 hours later*

I took my headphones out, got out of Aaron's car and thanked him. He went back to our apartment but I went up to Adam's. He doesn't do much. Works hard but comes home and plays video games. He knows life sucks so he just tries to tell you his past experiences to make you feel better. I knocked and opened his door. "Adam, I really screwed up today..." Kaitlyn was crying on his couch.

  *Kaitlyn's POV*

I felt ridiculous running into Josh's tattoo office earlier. He tried to calm me down but I went home. He knew what I was doing and tried to stop me, but I really hated myself. I still do. He tried to help me with my self harm but I can't believe what I've done to Derek. I remember cuddling with Derek a few weeks ago, what has happened to me? I love Josh, I really do, but..I just can't believe how fast I've fallen for another guy. I've known Derek for over  2 years and I was just starting to have feelings for him. But its too late now.

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