Don't Leave But Don't Look

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I had stayed with Kaitlyn for almost 5 days. I drove her to work and she would come listen to music in my office until I was done with my last client. We would go back to her house and just watch Netflix. We video chatted with Chris (lead singer of my band) once and he said we were going to play at a club in a few weeks. He also said that the others wanted to meet Kaitlyn so we texted all of them and they were coming tomorrow. Kaitlyn has today off but I'm trusting her not to do anything too drastic. She walked up the steps with me and I waved to her as I drove off to the mall. I got there in 20 minutes and saw all of Kaitlyn's friends in my office. All except Derek.

Hannah was pacing back and forth, Polly was whispering to Aaron, and Adam was looking at tattoo sketches with a glum expression. Madi and Ally had left for LA 2 days ago so they weren't there either. "What's happening to Kaitlyn?" Hannah walked closer to me and gave me a worried glance. "She's fine. She's not trying to shut you guys out, I'm just trying to protect her. If you guys want to talk to her you can, its just... something happened with Der-" "I told them what Kaitlyn said" Adam put the sketches away and faced us so he could be a part of the conversation. "Why didn't you tell us you guys were together?" Aaron shot me a half sympathetic half confused look. "We weren't sure if you guys or ourselves were ready. With most relationships you just find out on your own." Hannah sat down and admitted she saw us in the kitchen almost 2 weeks ago. I cringed at the thought of anyone watching us make out. I sighed, sat down, and tried to answer their questions as best as I could.

*Kaitlyn's POV*

I walked down the stairs after waving to Josh and almost ran directly into Derek. I stared at him and quicky glanced back down. "Why won't you talk to me?" He closed his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows in anger. "Its hard seeing you with him. What the fuck happened three months ago with us? I thought you finally were more than my friend. It all means nothing now! Absolutely nothing! When Josh starts fucking girls on tour don't try to "love" me again. You didn't love me! You never even said it! Kaitlyn if you would just stop hanging out with Josh for ONE day and talk to me and your real friends, I might be able to stay your friend." His voice echoed throughout the hallways and a tear rolled down my cheek.

"I love Josh, I never wanted to hurt you. I met him by chance. I met you by chance too. You could have moved into a different apartment but you didn't. Even though I'm with Josh I still have my memories of you" I whispered softly. I started to open my door. He banged on the wall and with his fist and yelled at me as he ran up the stairs. "That's the most painful part, they're just memories"

*Josh's POV*

I was shutting down my computer and said bye to my friends Daniel and Riley. We don't talk as much as me and my band mates but we're still good friends. Sam, Daniel's girlfriend, wasn't there but he was talking to her over the phone so I yelled hi and bye to her before I left the tattoo parlor.

I checked in with Hannah and Aaron at their jobs (Pet land and Journey's). I told them they could talk to Kaitlyn in 2 days cause she was meeting my band. They understood and said they hope she's alright. "She misses you guys, its me. I just want her to look after herself as much as we all do." I said bye and headed to Kaitlyn's house.

She had bought an extra key at the office for me so I could get in. Polly and me were the only two with extra keys. I opened the door and hung the keys on a hook next to the door. I went to her room and put my shoes under her bed with hers. I looked in her closet to see if she was there. The TV was on but no Kaitlyn. I walked back to the living room and called her name.

When I passed the bathroom I heard running water and Sleeping With Sirens blaring from the speaker she keeps in the bathroom. She can't stand silence, she says its when voices or thoughts speak to her. And not good ones.

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