Meeting The Family

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*Later that day*

It was 5:39 on my phone. Kaitlyn said everyone would be here by 6:15. We were still watching Black Butler, but in the living room like this morning. Episode 22. How did we get this far?! I'm confused about a LOT of things in this series. I looked over at Kaitlyn, my girlfriend. We couldn't really stare at each other for long because Ally and Madi would know something was up.

Polly walked in the door and started rambling on about how her day was at work. She came over to me and said, "I know almost everything about Kaitlyn so if you have any questions about bribing her just ask-" "POLLY!" Kaitlyn glared at her with wide eyes. "Just trying to protect my sister! Well one of like 6" "Friendship kind of sisters" Ally said to clarify any confusion. Polly sat down in one of the chairs and started talking to Ally. Madi was texting the others about meeting me. She told us Hannah was a few blocks away and Derek and Aaron were getting pizza at Papa John's.

"It's fine, it's not like you're meeting my mom" Kaitlyn whispered to me. "Yet" I whispered back and she laughed slightly. I started to feel less nervous.

There was a knock on the door. "It's open!" Madi yelled. Hannah walked in with 4 or 5 bags from Bath & Body Works. "Hey guys! They had some samples at work that needed to be replaced but we're getting new shipments tomorrow so I thought I'd give them to you instead" she handed all but one bag to each of the girls. "There's two in here for Aaron and Derek" she set the bag on the kitchen counter and all of the girls laughed.

They fought over the controller and Kaitlyn stood up, walked in her room, and came back out with another controller. "Josh is picking the show. We've made him watch the first 22 episodes of Black Butler in one day" she said handing me the controller. "OK" I said smiling. All the girls stopped arguing for a few seconds and then started talking again but about TV shows. I just chose Family Guy since it always seems to cheer people up.

"Josh! You're the only man in the house! Go set the oven for 425! The boys will be here in a few minutes with pizza!" Madi yelled at me while texting. "I... uh... don't know how the oven works" I said standing up slowly. "I'll show you" Kaitlyn said walking in front of me. I heard the TV, the other girls talking, and Kaitlyn explaining the oven but it was all just static in my head. I just focused on Kaitlyn. Not the words she was saying but just... her.

"And press the upwards arrow until it reaches 425" she turned around, "Oh! Uh... Josh? Josh?" She ran her hand in front of my face. "Sorry... I guess I spaced out" I said kind of confused. I looked around the corner quickly to see the girls still talking about work and Peter from Family Guy was screaming so you couldn't hear them talking much.

I turned back to Kaitlyn and took a few steps towards her. I pushed her up against the sink and grabbed her waist. "Josh! What about the others?!" she whispered in my ear as I kissed her neck. "They're too caught up in their own conversation" I whispered back. She looked over at them twice before she finally gave in. I kissed her lips, bit her neck,  and nipped at her collar bone before the door opened.

I stepped away from her immediately. "Hi you must be Josh! Excuse me pizza delivery!" It was Aaron or Derek. Great.  Perfect Timing. They didn't see anything though. Me and Kaitlyn walked out of her very small kitchen so he could set the pizzas down. Another guy came in with cheesy bread and soda. He had bright red hair like Kaitlyn.

We sat back down on the couch while Aaron and Derek got stuff prepared in the kitchen. When they were done they came to the living room. Me and Kaitlyn scooted together in the middle of the couch so that Red Guy could sit next to Kaitlyn and Blonde Boy sat next to me. "I'm Aaron and that's Derek" Blonde Boy said to me then pointed to Red Guy. I shook Aaron's hand and reached over Kaitlyn to shake Derek's. He hesitated but shook. "Well I guess I'm not the only nervous one", I thought to myself.

"So Josh what do you do for fun?" Aaron asked me. "I draw sketches for tattoos and I'm in a band" Derek's jaw dropped and Aaron said "That's awesome dude! What's your band?" "Motionless In White" "I've heard of you guys but never listened" Derek said. "We're going on tour next year" I said. Kaitlyn's eyes changed from happy to sad but she kept a smile on her face.

           *5 hours later*

We all got somewhat drunk after eating pizza. It's around 11:30 and almost everyone was gone. Madi and Ally were sleeping in Aaron and Derek's apartment. Polly and Hannah decided to stay the night in Kaitlyn's closet and I would be in the guest room again.

I was in the spare bedroom watching season 2 of Black Butler. What had these girls gotten me into?! There was a knock on the door. "Hey Kaitlyn"

             *Kaitlyn's POV*

Polly fell asleep about 5 minutes ago. She's always the first one to fall asleep. "Um... Kaitlyn I'm not really sure how to address a certain... not situation but... just something I've seen" Hannah said turning down the volume on Saw 5. "Uh... yeah sure" I answered kind of confused. She sighed and said, "I saw you and Josh kissing earlier" I breathed out and leaned back against the wall. "You don't have to hide anything" she tried to re-ensure me. "We'll tell people when we're ready..." "I know, my lips are sealed" we hugged and she said "Now go sleep with your man" I stared at her in disbelief. "What?" "He's lonely and you probably want to go cuddle with him now go! I'll be fine! I just need to change Saw 5 to something cheery like The Big Bang Theory and wake up Polly!" I got my laptop and scratched Lily and Ralph behind the ears before I left.

I knocked on the extra bedroom door and opened it. "Hey Kaitlyn" "Hi" I smiled and walked over to the bed. He pulled the covers down and scooted over so that I could be next to the wall. He put his arms around me and I leaned into his chest.

"I need to talk to you about a few things" I said. "Yes" "First of all, Hannah knows about the kitchen scene" He gave me a confused look. "The kitchen?  What- Oh... That" "Yeah. And what about tour?" He sighed deeply and I looked up at him. "I'll talk to the tour manager about you coming. Maybe Ricky's girlfriend will be able to come too" "Last thing, do you think we're taking things too fast?" "I don't know... if you didn't like that kitchen scene then maybe" I laughed and kissed him. "I have a question for you" he said suddenly. "Yes" I raised my eyebrows in confusion like he had before. "About the... cutting"

"Josh... It's an addiction. I won't be able to get over it easily or maybe even at all" He moved my hair out of my face but I just buried my head into his chest. "I love you, if you're hurting anyone it's me" he said in a low mumble.

My wrists were covered in bracelets and for the first time in years I took them off in front of someone. He my touched scars gently and traced over my BMTH drown tattoo that he had given me. "I won't let you" he said and kissed my forehead. I had drowned in sadness half my life and he was the one thing that made me feel good about myself. I felt safe and relaxed. Before I knew it I was asleep.

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