Cursed or Blessed wattpad chapter 1-prologue re-done

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Cursed or Blessed

Chapter One-

He was standing at the edge of the cliff when I first saw him. He didn't seem angry or upset but he had his back to me so I couldn't e sure. Another thing that I couldn't be sure of was whether he was going to jump or not, so I felt like I had to say something just in case. Actually I was surprised that no one had said anything already so I turned around angrily, ready to yell at them for not doing anything- and then turned slowly back around like an idiot because there was no-one there. Yes that's right-idiot.

I had come up here before the weather got bad and had been walking in an attempt to cleanse my thoughts. Fat lot of good that had done, I was still fuming like a steam engine at full speed. I hated my mother. Actually that was a lie. I wished that she would truly love me. Right before I was born, my father left her so (and this is the first reason why I 'hate' her) she was always going on and on about how it's my fault that he left. Plus (reason number two) Three years before I was born (oh by the way notice that she only hates me for what happened before I was born) she gave birth to a baby boy whom she called Adam. He died when she was pregnant with me. She had loved him with all her heart and she had hoped that I would be another boy to replace him, but I was the complete opposite of him, so in return for being a girl, my life was-in my time spent with my mother- like being cast into the fiery pits of hell. Only occasionally was she nice to me- in the time when someone else was there, and I treasured those moments, to think of in bad times.

I did not know what to say but words were coming out of my mouth. "Umm excuse me?" When the boy didn't respond, I continued to talk, and once I started, words were gushing out of my mouth, a river flowing rapidly. " Be careful, don't fall and please don't jump. Whatever happened, it can't be so bad that it would be worth jumping off a cliff. What would your family think... and friends. It will be all right anyway and I am sure that you would feel much better if you told somebody about your problems. Just please don't jump, nothing is worth losing your life." My voice was now fast and by the end of the speech, I was sure that he could not understand me. My heart was pounding at 50 times its original rate and I had tears in my eyes, although the tears may have been because of the wind. Actually, the weather, (not that I thought that it was possible) had got worse. The sky was a deep purple/greyish colour and rain was now cascading down, fast as a bow from an arrow. The wind was sending leaves around in miniature twisters, and was whipping my hair furiously against my parting. The sea was the same violent shade as the sky, and I could see it trying to turn over a large fishing boat that was being tossed around like a puppet.

Then he spoke, and it shocked me how calm his voice was after my panic. "My name is George Faller and I am not going to jump off the cliff, I came up here for peace so I would be grateful if you left me alone." By the time he had finished speaking his voice was harsh. He then turned and what I saw took my breath away. His light brown hair was, even blown by the strong winds, the softest I had ever seen and even though his face was contorted with emotion (although I was not sure what emotion it was-rage? Grief? Sorrow? ) He was beautiful. His skin was smooth but not quite pale- a healthy colour.

His eyes stood out, fascinating, mesmerising. I was much closer than I thought I was- I must have been walking forwards while I was speaking. They were a bluish, greyish green, but the most amazing thing about them was that they were flecked with a warm golden colour all over. Something about his expression scared me and the tears in my eyes were threatening to spill over. "I'm sorry," I said trembling and turned to walk shakily away.

A harsh laugh made me turn back again and what I was made me wish that I had never come out that morning. Actually it would be more accurate to say 'wasn't there' because where he boy-George Faller I remembered had been standing was clear, showing no signs that anyone had ever stood there.

Then the screaming started and to start with I was annoyed at whoever was screaming and then I realised that it was me and shut my mouth abruptly-screaming wasn't helping anyone. Unfortunately I couldn't stop the panic so easily. I ran to the edge almost toppling over the edge myself before then proceeding with more caution. I lay on my stomach with my head hanging over the edge, squinting against the sea spray but it was no use, the wing was strong against my eyes and my vision was blurred where tears were pouring out of my eyes and dripping off my nose.

I moved carefully away from the edge and stood up searching franticly for my phone as the rain pounded my skin, hard pinpricks of pain. I finally found it and keyed in the only number my panicking brain could remember. At least it was a sensible one.

"Hello, you have reached the emergency services, which service would you like?" said a painfully slow and calm voice at the other end.

"Um, p-poli-ce pl-plea-se," I said as my crying sent great tremors through my body.

"Thank you" There was a pause.

"Hello this is Sergeant Rackly," said a man into the phone," how can I help you?"

" S-Someone j-just j-jumped off the eastern side of H-Handlers Cliff," I cried. "I T-t-tried to s-stop him b-but he wouldn't listen to m-me."

"Thank you for letting us know, we will be there as soon as possible. Can you tell us where on the eastern side you are?"

"N-near the tourist information c-centre."

"Thank you, we will see you shortly," he told me and hung up.

I sank to the ground as the tears that I had been holding back took over completely and it took at least five minutes for me to regain control again. The slushy mud that I was sitting in did not bother me. When I had calmed down enough I dialled a second number- Mum's work- and for once I actually looked forward to hearing her voice because at her work there were other people who could hear half the conversation.

One of her friends picked up the phone and called for her. She picked up the phone and said "Annabelle dear, I haven't got much time so tell me what it is quickly," In a falsely cheery voice. I took a deep breath and hoped that this was the right thing to do. As my mother, I hoped that she would not just pretend to be sympathetic towards me after she had heard what had happened. I was disappointed. " Mum I'm scared, someone just jumped off of the cliff(she would know which cliff I meant) and I'm on my own. I called 999 but I don't know what to do. People are on their way but-" then a thought struck me, a bolt of lightning which sent panic back through my body like fireworks in my brain. "What if they think that I did it?"

"Don't worry," she said in a false voice 5 times worse that last time. She thought I pushed him.

"You do believe me don't you?" I asked praying that I had got it wrong.

"Of course I do," she said in the same false voice, confirming my suspicions. "Now I really have to go." And she hang up on me.

"Bye Mum" I whispered to no one...

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