Cursed or blessed wattpad chapter four

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Sorry this is kinda short but at least I wrote something right :)

Chapter four -

They were taking me to the cliff again, something they hoped would drag the 'truth' out of me. The journey back was much shorter than the one to the cell. I was told that they just wanted to stop me from escaping. I gathered from conversation that I heard on the journey there was something they weren't telling me because they thought I already knew. I wanted to know what that was. We parked and I climbed out. A shudder ran down my spine. I had not been here since.... since it. I followed the small parade down to the edge of the cliff, while they ran through what I had told them, pointing out flaws in it. Flaws that where definitely not there when I was. A piece of rope tied to a tree that appeared to have been used to restrain someone. A witness convinced that he saw me tie George to a tree and, naturally, they had found a gun to prove it. I had to admit, it did look like I had done it. There had to be some way to prove them wrong. "THE BODY!" I yelled, "There must still be a body on the rocks. He couldn't have gone far enough to actually get into the sea" One of the men snorted. "You don't actually think we'll believe that do you?" he said between laughs "there's no body on the rocks and no sign that there ever has been."

I froze. No body? But that made no sense. " Show me" I demanded but my voice was much shakier than I had intended it to be. "With pleasure" he said smirking and showed me the safest way down to the rocks below. What I saw made my blood freeze. There really was no body beneath the cliffs and because of that, no one was ever going to believe me.

I stood there shocked, trying not to cry. I didn't succeed and the salt tears began to at first roll and then stream down my face. I don't know how long I was sitting on the rocks for bet I didn't realise that the policeman had left until he came back down again.

"Come back up with me, we want to talk to you." I felt a glimmer of hope somewhere within me as I stood up.

I must have been crying for a long time because it also took a hell of a long time climbing the steep pathway to the top of the cliff. By the time I had got to the top I was doubled over clutching a stitch. I made a mental note never to climb the cliff again.

I looked up to see all the policemen (and women) in a semi-circle kind of shape and I walked, still panting slightly, towards them. "We have good news," said a stocky lady with brown hair thrown back into a quick ponytail. " You're going to be allowed back home. With supervision of course and you won't be allowed back to your school just yet but I am sure that you would much rather be at home than stuck in a cell."

Hang on a minute, where did this come from? I wondered but I didn't really care. I was going home! There was however one problem. Mum. "Will I be allowed to see my friends still?" I asked.

"Of course, I expect that they will be worried about you." This was true. Although it wasn't really so much of 'friends' actually it was more like 'friend', but still Kat was probably freaking out right now. Well if I was allowed to see friends then I would just stay at her house, she wouldn't care and neither would her mother. Kat was the only person who knew what my mother was really like so she really would understand.

"But why are you letting me go home?" I asked.

"We wanted to give you a chance she said smiling. " Anyway, you will be home schooled from now on, which may take you some time to get used to." I shivered; the weather was much the same as it had been on the dreaded night when my life had first become a misery. The world seemed to be teasing me, the way it imitated the swirling winds, the hectic waves and the splattering painful rain. I was hurried on the police car where they explained a few extra minor details about the conditions of being allowed home.

I smiled as we drove to my house, glad to see the familiar road names and a few people walking home from St Rose Secondary School. As we pulled up by my house I saw Kat waving frantically from my bedroom window. I smiled back and waved, glad that she had come. I already knew that my mother wasn't in and this relieved me. I walked through the already unlocked front door and straight into Kat who had run straight down the stairs. "WHERE WERE YOU?" She yelled, annoyed.

"To be honest I'm not entirely sure myself I answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2010 ⏰

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