Mr. Hutcherson

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"Come on, Connor! You know you want to go!"

He throws his arms up in defeat and sighs,"Fine. I'll go but you're asking my mom."

I smirk at him and start walking out of the his room. I get half down the stairs before I hear him behind me.

"Where are you going?"

"To ask your mom. Duh."

I reach the bottom of the stairs and stop. He runs straight into me, almost knocking me down.

"You won't ask her."

I raise my eyebrows at him and start walking to the kitchen. I reach the kitchen door and he grabs my arm. I let out a loud sigh and turn around.

"You said you would go as long as I asked her. Why are you backing out?"

"I'm not. It's just that she going to say no."

I roll my eyes at him and pull my arm out of his grip. I walk into the kitchen and see his mom, Michelle, standing in front of the sink. Smirking at Connor, I go stand beside her.

She doesn't even look up from washing the dishes as she says,"Yes, Katie?"

"I just wanted to ask you if Connor could come to a party with me tonight."

She stops and looks at me,"A party?"

"Well it's not really even a party. Just a small get together."

She turns around and looks at Connor,"Is that true?"

I give a look and he says,"Yes, mom it's just a small get together."

"I'll take your word on it but I know how teenagers are. No alcohol or smoking."

"Michelle, you know we would never ever do that."

"That's what they all say. Be home by 12:30."

She smiles at both of us before going back to the dishes. I hurry over to Connor and push him out of the room.

"Now, that wasn't so bad was it?"

"Whatever. You better go get ready."

"Your coming with me to my house so go change."

He rolls his eyes and starts walking up the stairs.

He comes back down 15 minutes later with a band T-shirt on and faded blue jeans with holes in them. His brown hair is perfectly combed and he smells like axe clone.

"Lookin' good my friend."

He laughs and says," Come lets go."

We get to my house in less than 5 minutes because I just live down the road. We walk into my house and to my room. It's Saturday night so no ones home.

I open my bedroom door and walk over to my dresser. I grab a pair of jeans and the same band T-shirt Connor has on. I strip out of my clothes and put those on. I look over and see Connor texting on his phone. We've been best friends since I moved here in middle school. We're seniors in high school now. Time does fly.

I walk over to my mirror. My hair is still straight so I just fix my eye liner a little. When I'm done, I slip on my converse and shove my phone in my pocket.

"Ready to go?"

"I've been ready. I'm just waiting on your slow ass."

"Ha ha. What time is it?"

He looks down at his phone then says,"10:30."

"We only get to stay 2 hours."

"Well we better get going then."

Mr. HutchersonWhere stories live. Discover now