Chapter 3

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As I lay on my bed, replaying the events in my head, thoughts come to my mind. Why did he kiss me? Should I tell Connor? Maybe Connor knows why he did it or maybe it will just make him mad. Ugh, I don't know what to do. He really needs to know and I don't like keeping things from him. We know everything about each other and everything the other does. I let out a sigh and grab my phone.

To: Connor

From: Me

Can you come over? It's important.

To: Me

From: Connor

Yeah, I'll be right there.

I lay my phone beside me and lay my head back. A few minutes later, Connor walks in ands sit in front of me. I lean up and look at him.

"So what's wrong?"

"Don't freak out, okay?"


I tell him everything that happened and the look on his face isn't good.

"He kissed you?"


"My brother, our teacher kissed you!"

"Yes. Calm down, please."

"Calm down?," he lets out a cold laugh,"I'm far from calming down."

"Please, don't do anything stupid, okay?"

"No promises."

I grab his face and turn his head so that he's looking me in the eyes.

"Promise me that you won't do or say anything."

His face softens and he lets out a sigh,"Fine, okay I won't but if he tries it again.."

I cut him off," He won't try again."

"He better not."

"He won't."

"Okay but I'm just saying if he does then I'll kill him."

"He won't, Connor."

"Whatever you say but I have to go."


"Chest club."

I laugh and say," You have fun with that."

"Ha ha. I'll see you tomorrow."

He gives me a hug then leaves.

Connors Point Of View

I don't really have chest club right now but I needed to get out of there before I lied to her more. I can't just let Josh get away with this. I'm going to talk to him.

I pull into his driveway and get out of my car. I walk to the front door and knock loudly. He opens the door and smiles.

"Connor, how nice to see you."

I push him back and walk in. He looks at me weird before closing the door.

"Cut the happy shit, Josh. I know you kissed Katie."

He scratches the back of his neck and sighs,"Is that what she told you? She kissed me."

"You're such a liar. Katie doesn't lie to me and I can tell when she does. She wasn't lying. Now, tell me what the fuck you were thinking!"

He smirks and says,"I was thinking about her soft,pink lips all day. You know she's hot. Can you blame me?"

"She's your student and my best friend."

"So? She's 18 or almost 18 anyway. Why do you care if I like her?"

"You don't like her. You like her body and face. You don't know anything about her."

"Maybe I want to know her. Did you ever think about that?"

"You can't."

"Whys that little brother?"

Shit. I guess I have to say it. I have to admit what I've been hiding all these years.

"Because I like her."

Sorry for the cliff hanger haha. But how do you guys like this so far? I also want to thank my friend Elizabeth for being so supportive and telling me I'm a good writer. Also, I'm not too good at writing in guys point of views because well I'm not a guy haha but I hope you guys like it.

Tell me what you think!

Love you guys!

-Hannah. (:

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