Chapter 4

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I hate bumming rides from people but it's the only way to get to school. After sending Connor a text to tell him I'm ready, I go sit on the steps outside. I pull out my phone and start playing temple run as I wait.

A few minutes later, I hear a car horn and I look up. I walk over to his car and get in. He hands me a pop-tart and smiles.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

"How was chest club last night?"

"Boring as always. Will showed up an hour late...." he drags on and on about the boring details of chest.

I tune him out and stare out the window, getting lost in my thoughts.

He shoves my shoulder and says,"Earth to Katie, we're here."

I look over at him then look out the window. We are at school. I open the door and get out. We walk inside together and he gives me a hug before we go our different ways. I go to my locker then make my way to first block. Let the fun begin.

My first three classes go by fast. I take my seat beside Connor in art and pull out my sketch book. Josh comes in 5 minutes later and starts taking row.

He starts looking around the room and his eyes stop when they find mine. He clears his throat and starts talking," Okay class today you need to draw someone that you love, someone you look up to."

Some slutty girl raises her hand and he says,"Yes?"

She bites her lip then says,"Can I draw you, Mr. Hutcherson."

He rolls his eyes and says," No, I was thinking someone like a family member."

He doesn't give her time to reply, he just sits down and starts writing. I notice that his face looks tense. His brown hair looks like he has ran his hand threw it 50 times today.

Man, I would love to run my fingers threw it.

Woah, no I shouldn't be thinking like that. I shake my head and start drawing.

Class ends and I start packing my things, quickly. I don't want to be left alone with Josh. I put my bag on then hurry out of the room.

Connor is waiting in his car for me. I hurry over to the car and get in. I let out a huge sigh of relief and look over at him. He gives me a look then starts driving.

We reach my house and no ones home like always.

"Thanks for the ride."

"You know I don't mind."

"Well I'll talk to you later."

I get out of the car and start to walk away when his voice stops me," Josh didn't try anything again, did he?"

"No, I hurried out of there after you left me."

"I'll wait with you for now on."


"See you later."


He smiles before driving away.


The week flys by and it's finally Friday. I'm on my way to art now. Sadly, Connor has a dentist appointment today so I'm alone. On the bright side, I got my car fixed yesterday.

I walk in and sit down. I pull out my sketch pad and wait for Josh to give us a assignment. He comes in and starts taking row then tells us to finish what we were doing yesterday.

I finish with 15 minutes still left in class. I sigh and start playing on my phone.

"Hey Katie, are you done?"

I look up and see Josh staring at me.


"Will you help me get some paint from the closet?"

"Yeah, sure."

I get up and walk over to the closet with him. We both go in and he shuts the door behind us. I start looking for the paint but don't see any.

I turn around and give him a confused look. He just smiles and says,"We ran out of paint yesterday. I just wanted to say sorry for kissing you earlier this week."

"You don't look sorry."

"Yeah, I'm not. I wanted to kiss you then," he walks closer and I run into the shelf," and I want to kiss you now."

"You're my teacher. This is wrong."

He just smirks and kisses me. I pull away and hit him.

"Katie, you know you want to kiss me. Just do it one time. You don't have to tell anyone. It can stay between us."

"No, Mr. Hutcherson."

"I told you to call me Josh. Please just one time."

I don't know why I'm going to do this. Maybe it's the look on his face or maybe I really do want to kiss. I let a sigh and wrap my arms around his neck. I lean in and kiss him. He smiles against my lips and kisses back.

The bell rings but we are still standing in the closet, making out. Shit. I'm not only making out with my teacher but my best friends brother.

Mr. HutchersonWhere stories live. Discover now