Chapter 5

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I still can't believe that I made out with Josh yesterday. I still haven't told Connor about it and I really don't want to. I know he'll freak out on me and try to start something with Josh. It's not like he forced me to do it. I wanted to do it in a weird way. The way he said 'please' and the look on his face. Maybe he's not just looking to hook up with me or make out in the supply closet. I can't let it get as far as hooking up though. It shouldn't happen again. Even if I want it to. He just wants to use me or make Connor mad. Yeah, that's all. I won't let him have the satisfaction of doing so. I won't kiss him or let him kiss me again.

I just need to get out of this house and do something. It's 4 pm and I haven't even gotten out of bed yet. Maybe Connor wants to do something. I pull out my phone and send him a text.

To: Connor

From: Me

Do you want to hang out? Go to a party or something?

To: Me

From: Connor

Can't. We're having a family thing today. Sorry :/

Ugh. I guess I'll have to do something alone. I get out of bed and walk in my bathroom. I take off my clothes then turn on the shower. I step in and start washing off.

I dry off and wrap the towel around me. I walk back into my room and go to my dresser. I pull out a black tank top and purple skirt. I grab some underwear and a bra too. I put the clothes on and look in my mirror. The skirt is way too short but it'll be okay. I plug up my straightener then start brushing my hair. My hair straightener is one of the ones that will straighten your hair even if it's wet. I had to beg my mom to buy it for me freshman year. I would always take a shower in the morning and didn't have time to wait on my hair to dry. I straighten my hair then start putting on my make up. I lightly apply eyeliner then mascara. I put some light pink lip stick on then go check my phone. It's 8:40. Jeez, I must have stayed in the shower a long time.

I sit on my bed and check my phone. I have a Facebook notification. That's weird, I never even use my Facebook. I click on the app and see that it's a message. I click on my inbox, it's from Josh.

Josh Hutcherson:

Hey, want to hang out?

Doesn't he have to be at the family thing?

Katie Addison:

No, sorry I already have plans.

I log out and lock my phone. I grab my purse and put it in there. I get up and walk down stairs. I'm almost to the door when my dad steps in front of me.

"Where are you going dressed like that?"

"Out. Now move."

I hate my dad. He's never home but when he is everyone knows it. He's loud and rude. I don't see how my mom puts up with him.

"Ha. Go change then we'll talk about you going out."

"I'm not changing."

"You're dressed like a whore! I don't want you go out and get pregnant."

"You wouldn't notice if I came home pregnant anyway. You're never home!"

I try to push him out of my way but he doesn't move.

"We'll see what your mother has say about that outfit. Emily come in here now!"

My mom comes running in the room and stands beside my dad.

"Yes honey?"

"Look at your daughter is wearing. She thinks she's going out like that."

My mom looks at me and shakes her head. "Sweetie, go put some pants on."

I roll my eyes and sigh in frustration. I'm not going to get to leave if I don't go change so I guess I better do that. I go back up stairs and change in some jeans with holes all in them. I walk back down stairs and they're still standing in the same place.

"Is this better, dad?"

"Not much. You still look like a whore."

I roll my eyes and walk pass him, out the door. I get in my car and start driving.

I park in the parking lot of some club. It's for people 21 and over but I have my ways of getting in. I stand in the line and start waiting.

I finally reach the front of the line and I show the man my fake ID. He doesn't even bat a eye as he tells me to go in. I smile then push the door open. As soon as I walk in the smell of alcohol and sweaty bodies hit me. I make a face before walking over to the bar. I sit down on a stool and order a shot of the strongest stuff they have. The bartender give me the shot and I pay him. I take it and almost puke. I remember now why I never drink. It's gross. I leave the cup there and start pushing my way through the crowd.

Someone grab me and starts grinding on me from behind. I try to pull away but their grip gets tighter. Oh what the heck, I'm here to have fun. I start grinding back and turn around. It's some guy, maybe in his 20s, and he's so wasted. I just laugh and start to walk away. He grabs me wrist and pulls me back.

"Not so fast. I'm not done yet," he whispers in my ear.

I try to pull away again but he just pulls me through the crowd. I'm trying my best to get away but it's not working at all. He drags me out the back door and pushes me up against the wall. He starts kissing my neck and I try to push away but fail.

"Please, don't do this."

He just laughs and runs his hands down my body. His hands stop at my belt and he starts to undo it.


I start pushing him and slapping him but it's not working. I refuse to lose my virginity this way.

"Stop! Someone help me!"

He punches me in the face and says,"Shut up, little bitch!"

He gets my pants undone and I start screaming.

He punches me again but I don't stop screaming,"He's trying to rape me! Someone help!"

He raises his fist again and I close my eyes, waiting on it to hit me but it's doesn't. I slowly open my eyes and see someone beating him up. They're both on the ground. I slide down the wall and bury my face in my hands. Tears start falling. My face hurts and I feel light headed.

I feel a hand on my arm and shiver.

"Hey, it's okay. He's gone," says a soft voice.

I look up and see a oddly familiar face but I can't make out who it is. My vision is blurry.

"Come on, let's get you out of here."

They pick me up and start carrying me. They smell like old spice clone and sweat. The last thing I see is a car before I pass out.

Mr. HutchersonWhere stories live. Discover now