6. Busted Friends!

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~ Chapter Six - Busted Friends! ~

“Isn’t this beautiful,” Julia sighed as she watched me and Caleb. He was holding me in his arms so that I didn’t fall.

I pulled back from him and glared at Julia for ruining the moment like that.

“Thanks,” I said to Caleb. “What are you two doing here?” I asked both of them.

“I was trying to find lights but didn’t see them anywhere and then you came and found them in a second.”  Caleb complained.

“That’s because I’m the one who gets lights every year and they are always at the same place.” I told them. “Let’s go now. Hailey is waiting for us.”

I picked the lights. Julia and Caleb also helped me. I could feel Julia’s eyes on me. Caleb walked ahead of us.

“Why are you staring me like that? It’s making me uncomfortable.” I jokingly whispered to Julia who rolled her eyes but didn’t say anything. I didn’t probe further. Caleb was listening to our conversation. I knew that. He’s known for eavesdropping.

Once we were back in the living room, Hailey again lashed out on us for being late. Caleb rolled his eyes and started arranging the lights.

“Ashley, I want to ask you something.” Julia grabbed my attention. I knew she was going to say something. I was only waiting for her to spark the topic.

“Yes?” we were away from Caleb and other group members so no one could hear us.

“What would you do if Caleb told you that he loved you?”

Her question caught me off guard. I stood frozen for a couple of minutes. I don’t think about it much. I only think about the heartbreak I felt. But still I imagine it sometimes. If he actually accepted my feelings and reciprocated them, what would I do? Isn’t it obvious? I would go back to him. No matter what I say to him, I'd still go to him.

I didn’t answer her. I was not going to answer her because I knew she was not going to be on the same page as me. I knew no one among my friends was on the same page. That’s why I was not going to speak of it.

Being one of those who are not understood, I don’t want to be like that. The worst feeling is when you feel no one understands you.

Right now, I feel worse. After that heartbreak, good is not even a near-about thing. And I’m not planning to jump to the level of ‘the worst’. I’m still a teenager not a highly experienced person.

“Logan will be here in an hour. We need to work faster.” It was the only response I gave her. There are things that should be left unsaid among friends.

“Be careful of what you do, Ash. And you are so smart. I trust you.” She told me and I smiled at her. I felt a little guilty for not answering her question properly when she was sure showing so much concern for me.

“BE QUICK GUYS! Logan will be here in an hour! We need more hands! Everyone, call their other friends. Ashley, you can call Blade also.” Hailey told me as her temper lowered a bit. Her words, however, made me scowl as everyone snickered.
It has become a running gag among my friends. Blade, Blade and Blade! That boy!

Luke and Ryan started playing with inflated balloons while I worked with Gracie to do the icing of the cake. When Hailey saw the boys, her face became red in anger. I watched in amusement as she walked to both the unaware boys. She burst a balloon near them and both jumped in the air at the loud noise. When they looked at Hailey, she was holding another balloon between her fists. She said something to do them as they watched her with wide eyes. Then the balloon in her hand burst and both of them had horrified expressions on their faces.

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