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Mila has added Lauren to the chat*

Mila: lerrrn

Lauren: what's up camz?

Mila: shjdjskdks camz?

Lauren: yeah? u dont like the nickname? i was just trying to be original, i wont use it anymore

Mila: no! no no, i love it

Mila: anyway, i just wanted to ask if u wanted to facetime?

Mila: i didnt talk all that much last week, and i felt kinda bad

Lauren: ill be free in an hour. facetime then?

Mila: yay :) ok

Lauren: 💕


"She called you 'Camz'?" Dinah's muffled voice came across the phone. Camila had decided to call her to kill time until Lauren was ready to Facetime. "That's so cute! My shipper heart..."

"I know! I was having a mini heart-attack." Camila sighed, flipping onto her back and staring up at the ceiling. "Dinah, I think I might like her. Just a little."

"Wait, are you serious? I knew Camren would be real. Maybe I should tell Mani to cancel our plans to write fanfiction..."

"You're so weird." Camila giggled. "Do you think she's g-"

Camila was cut off by an incoming Facetime from Lauren.

"Shit. It's her!" Camila shouted, sitting up and fixing her hair. "I'll call you later, D." She hung up on her call with Dinah, answering Lauren's Facetime immediately. "Oh, hey." She said casually, leaning back down and propping her head up with her arm.

"Hey." Lauren's smile was radiant, her hair tucked under a beanie and her green eyes shining vibrantly. She was looking somewhere off camera, and Camila could just barely see the steering wheel she was turning. "I just got out of class. I was gonna wait to call till I got home, but... I don't know, I just didn't." She glanced at Camila, her smile growing a bit when she saw the adorable lopsided grin on her face.

"Don't look at me while you drive, you idiot." Camila joked. "If you die in an accident, who am I gonna annoy?"

"I'm not gonna die, you goof." Lauren chuckled.

"You seem like you're in a good mood." Camila observed. "What's shaken, bacon?"

"First of all, nobody says that," Lauren held up one finger as she made a turn with the other hand on the steering wheel. "Second of all, I'll have you know I am in a good mood because I got an A on my assignment."

"Really? What did you end up drawing?" Camila tilted her head down at her phone, smiling at Lauren's side profile.

"I'll send you a picture when I get home. Personally I don't think I captured her quite right, because she's just too perfect and I'm not that good of an artist-"

"I'm sure you're a wonderful artist." Camila cut her off, not wanting to hear her talk down on herself.

"Hey, everyone's their worst critic. But anyway, I just felt like it was impossible to recreate her beauty." Lauren shrugged. "That doesn't mean I'll stop trying, though. She's a piece of art."

Camila's smile altered; she wanted Lauren to talk about her like this, but it didn't seem possible if this other piece of art already had Lauren's heart.

"Karla?" Camila heard from somewhere downstairs. "Come help make dinner!"

"Shit." Camila uttered, standing from her bed. "I've gotta go. Text you later?"

"Yeah, no worries. See ya." Lauren smiled.

"Bye." Camila smiled, hanging up the Facetime and closing her bedroom door behind her. "Coming, mama!"



Lauren: it got an A

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Lauren: it got an A

Lauren: you're beautiful, by the way


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