one hundred eighty

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Allysus has added Lucy*

Allysus: hey, i just got home and you're not here?

Allysus: did you go out with lauren?

Lucy: sorry, yeah, i'm right next door

Lucy: how was your date with sydney?

Allysus: it wasn't a date, babe. you know that. we're just friends.

Lucy: yeah

Allysus: oh my god, get your dumb ass over here so we can talk


Lucy closes the door behind her with a heavy sigh, spotting Ally with her legs pulled up beneath her on the living room couch just down the hall. Hesitantly, she begins what she considers her walk of shame as she moves to join Ally, plopping down beside her on the other end of the couch.

"How was your day?" Ally begins, scooting a little closer. Lucy shifts her foot to avoid touching Ally without thinking about it.

Ally notices.

"Seriously?" Ally sits farther back. "Is this what you're going to be like every time I connect with friends?"

"No, I'm sorry." Lucy leans forward, reaching for Ally's hand and thinking better of it. "It's just... I don't know, I don't trust her."

"You don't need to."

Lucy nods, "Yeah, I know. I was talking to Lauren about it. I shouldn't have reacted that way, and I'm gonna work on it. You know I have difficulties sometimes, but I'm trying, I promise."

"I know." Ally pulls Lucy into her, Lucy cuddling into her side and wrapping an arm across Ally's waist. Ally's brings her hand up to Lucy's silky hair, running her fingers gently through.

"I'm sorry." Lucy mumbles another apology into Ally's shoulder.

"It's okay, baby." Ally pulls back so she can look into Lucy's eyes. "Wanna come to lunch with us sometime? So you can meet her? She really wants to meet you, and maybe it'll do good for your mind to see that she isn't after anything but friendship with me."

"Yeah, sure. I'd like that." Lucy smiles. "I feel like the only people I ever hang out with are you and Lauren."

"Just gotta expand your horizons, princess." Ally chuckles adorably, Lucy snuggling further into her side.

It's silent for a moment, Lucy struggling to sum up everything she's been wanting to tell Ally. She'd been looking for a way to express her emotions since they'd gotten together, but nothing ever felt right. Whether it was her words, or the place and time that felt wrong, something always seemed to get in the way.

But as they cuddle in comfortable silence, she decides now couldn't be more perfect.

"Hey, Allycat?"

"Hmm?" Ally hums, opening her previously closed eyes at the interruption of their silence.

"I, uhm..." Lucy pushes herself up, grabbing one of Ally's hands in hers to play with in hopes of lessening her nerves. "I just want you to know that I'm always here. If you want me, that is." She adds as an afterthought. "I'm here if you need to talk about anything, or if you need a shoulder to cry on, or if you just need to be with someone. I'll always be here, because..."

Her heart is pounding out of her chest, and she's sure Ally can hear it.

"B-Because... I love you."

When Ally doesn't say anything immediately, Lucy starts to grow even more nervous, words tumbling from her mouth without much thought.

"It's okay if you don't, you know, love me too. I've just been looking for a way to tell you how I felt, and I thought now would be the perfect time, but it if wasn't then we can just pretend I never said anything and we can—"



"I love you, too."


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