one hundred seventy two

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ManiBear has added Finah*

ManiBear: wanna rent a movie

Finah: of course, what movie?

ManiBear: ...

Finah: please tell me it isn't what i think it is...

ManiBear: ......

Finah: mani...

ManiBear: .........

Finah: we've watched it a million times

ManiBear: ............

Finah: can't we watch like...idk wonder woman or something?

ManiBear: ...............

Finah: goddammit. fine.

ManiBear: ..................yay

Finah: sometimes i wonder who's really the immature one in this relationship

ManiBear: still you

Finah: shit, you're right

ManiBear: i'm always right

Finah: no, that's not necessarily true

ManiBear: oh? are you questioning me?


ManiBear: s'what i thought

Finah: so is this like a you and me thing or is this a you and me with your parents on the next couch over thing

ManiBear: we have the house all to ourselves ;)

Finah: you see, normally i'd flirt back, but since you're making me watch hotel transylvania for the millionth time, no thank you

ManiBear: :,(

Finah: not gonna work, princess

ManiBear: :,,(

Finah: ...just get the movie and i'll bring pizza

ManiBear: :,)


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