one hundred sixteen

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Ring, ring, ring...

"Hey, Camz."

"Hi Lolo! Why didn't you Facetime?"

"I'm driving and I didn't want to get distracted by how beautiful you are."

(chuckles shyly) "We've Facetimed during car rides?"

"Yeah, but that was before..."

"Oh... right, sorry, babe... so why did you call?"

"I wanted to talk to you about something."

".........It's nothing bad, right?"

"No!" (laughs) "No, Camz. It's not bad."


"So, you know that summer internship I told you about?"

"The one you applied for last month?"


"Did you get it!?"


"Babe! I'm so proud of you!"

"Aw, thank you. But I left out the best part when I told you about my application..."


"It's in West Palm."

"Wait, really? It's here, where I live? Like in in West Palm?"

"Yes, you goof. It's in in West Palm."

"Oh my god, yay! We get to spend the summer together!"

(laughs) "You're so adorable."

"I mean, I was already gonna beg my mom to let me spend the summer in Miami, but now I don't have to because you're gonna be here, and I won't have to miss you everyday, and I can kiss you whenever I want — except for when you're at your internship, of course — and I can take you out for dates, and we can be together for longer than a week—"

"I know, babygirl. I've been dying to tell you."

(sighs) "This is very nice news to hear after the day I've had."

"What happened? Do I need to kick someone's ass?"

"No.. well, maybe."

"Who's ass am I kicking?"

"It's nothing, really... I just got partnered on a project with a girl that I really dislike."

"Oh, well, I guess there's nothing you can really do about it. Just finish the project and you'll be done with her."

"I guess."

"Why don't you like her?"

"It's a long, uncomfortable story for another day."

"Hmm.. well, if she gives you any problems, I'll drive down to West Palm early and kick her ass."

"What is your obsession with kicking asses?"

"Oh, hush."

"I gotta go text Dinah about something, Facetime tomorrow?"


"Okay, I love you."

"Love you, too."


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