one hundred twenty one

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Finah has added Lauren, Mila, Allysus, ManiBear, and TaylorJ*


TaylorJ: ayy

Lauren: ew why

TaylorJ: aww, don't you love me, sis? after all, you did invite me to come with you for the summer

Lauren: i did not invite you, you invited yourself!

TaylorJ: NOT TRUE. you said it was a good idea for me to come so i could hang out with camila while you're at work. AND you said YOU wanted to hang out with me.

Lauren: true, but you s t i l l invited yourself!

ManiBear: ah, siblings

Mila: i wanna hang out with taylor

Mila: where are you guys? you said you'd be here in a half an hour a half an hour ago

Lauren: SOMEONE'S annoying ass wanted to stop for lunch

TaylorJ: 🤷‍♀️ a girl's gotta eat

Lauren: 🤷‍♀️ a girl wants to see her girlfriend

TaylorJ: 🤷‍♀️

Lauren: 🤷‍♀️

Mila: hurry upppp

Lauren: i'm trying but this bitch wants to finish all her goddamn fries before we leave

TaylorJ: rude! i just don't wanna be wasteful

Lauren: we can take them w i t h us

TaylorJ: you know i won't finish them if they get boxed up and put in the fridge

Mila: i will! you're gonna be using my fridge and anything anyone puts in there is fair game unless it has a sticky note

TaylorJ: ohh yeah i forgot we're staying with you

Lauren: 🤦‍♀️

TaylorJ: ok, good enough for me, let's get out of here sis

Lauren: FINALLY.

Allysus: if this is what every chat with the jauregui sisters is gonna be like, i'm not looking forward to this summer

Lauren: don't worry, she'll probably meet a boy and then we won't see her again for the next few months


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