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Camila plucked her pencil from behind her ear, writing down the chords for a musical piece she was working on for a class. She was sat alone in her room, her guitar in her lap and the notepad sitting in front of her. Dinah and Normani were complaining about The Vampire Diaries in the group chat, a show that the five of them loved. She wanted so badly to join the conversation, but the assignment was due in a week and she had had some serious writer's block--

Forget everything she said. The assignment could wait.

Incoming Facetime from Lauren...

Camila answered almost immediately, leaning her guitar against the side of her bed and plopping down, using her elbows to prop herself up. "Hey," Camila smiled, brushing her hair off to the side.

She admired Lauren's adorable face smiling back at her, thankful that this time she wasn't in a car and she could get a good view at her endlessly beautiful features. "Hallo," Lauren said in reply, waving at Camila through the screen.

"Why the sudden call?" Camila raised a brow; they hadn't talked via Facetime since the last time Lauren had called her. They'd had plenty of conversations, however, in their own private chat. Camila now knew that she didn't like chocolate but she loves Nutella (even though it tastes like chocolate??), her favorite artists are Lana and The 1975, and her favorite shows are Game of Thrones and American Horror Story. She could honestly say that she liked Lauren more and more every time she talked to her.

"How are you?" Lauren ignored her question, adjusting her camera so that it was sat leaning against something and she didn't have to hold it. Camila could see that she was sitting at the same desk from their first Facetime with the girls.

"I'm good, I'm good." Camila nodded. "Oh, uh... I wanted to apologize for how annoying we are in the group chat, when we talk about hanging out. It sucks that you're close but you're not close enough."

"That's kind of why I called..." Lauren smirked. Camila gave her a questioning look, not picking up on where the conversation was headed. "I may or may not be coming to West Palm..."

Camila's mouth opened in surprise, a huge face-eating grin spreading onto her face. "Really? No way! How?"

"My dad has a work thing and he offered to bring me with him. He knows I've been talking to you guys so he thought it'd be a good opportunity for me to come visit." Lauren explained.

"What about school?" Camila thought that was why she hadn't ever come before -- it was why the girls and her hadn't gone down yet. That, and poorly planned schedules.

"I checked with all my teachers and got my assignments ahead of time. It's double the work but it's worth it." Lauren shrugged. "Anyway, I wanted to tell you first, 'cause... I thought we could hang out on my first day there. Just the two of us."

"Really?" Camila smiled; it was sweet that Lauren had thought of her first.

"Yeah... unless you don't want to. Then that's totally fine-"

Camila cut her off. "No! No. I want to. When do you come?" Camila didn't want Lauren thinking that she didn't want to be around her alone -- it was actually quite the opposite.

"Next week."

"This is so exciting." Camila felt herself slip into a ramble. "I get to meet you in person... I bet you're like.. a bajillion times hotter face to face." Lauren let out a loud laugh, tilting her head back and covering her mouth with her hand.

"You're a goof." She chuckled.

"Are you gonna tell the girls?" Camila wondered, needing to know if she had to lie and come up with a super-secret alibi.

Lauren shook her head. "No, I was just kind of gonna show up and surprise them."

"I'll invite them over on your second day. What day are you supposed to be here?" Camila glanced at her calendar hanging up on a wall a few feet away.

"Uhmm.. I'll have to ask my dad later. He's not home; I'll text you whenever I know."

"Ah, okay. Anyway," Camila smirked, "What do you wanna do when you get here?"

"I don't know.. what is there to do in West Palm?"

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